Morteza Zadimoghaddam
I am a staff research scientist (L6) at Google Zurich office in Switzerland. Previously, I spend 4 years in Google Cambridge, two years in the same Zurich office and 4 years in the New York office where I started my career at Google in January 2014. Prior to Google, I did my PhD in computer science at MIT (CSAIL) under supervision of Professor Erik D. Demaine.
I work on applying optimization techniques to various practical problems in order to find provably efficient algorithms. In particular, I apply infrastructure optimization methods to save computational resources at scale. On the mathematical and research side, I am interested in Submodular Optimization and its applications in large scale data mining and machine learning problems.
Authored Publications
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Edge-Weighted Online Bipartite Matching
Runzhou Tao
Zhiyi Huang
Journal of the ACM, 69 (2022), 45:1-45:35
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Online bipartite matching is one of the most fundamental problems in the online algorithms literature. Karp, Vazirani, and Vazirani (STOC 1990) introduced an elegant algorithm for the unweighted problem that achieves an optimal competitive ratio of 1 - 1/e. Aggarwal et al. (SODA 2011) later generalized their algorithm and analysis to the vertex-weighted case. Little is known, however, about the most general edge-weighted problem aside from the trivial 1/2-competitive greedy algorithm. In this paper, we present the first online algorithm that breaks the long standing 1/2 barrier and achieves a competitive ratio of at least 0.5086. In light of the hardness result of Kapralov, Post, and Vondrák (SODA 2013) that restricts beating a 1/2 competitive ratio for the more general problem of monotone submodular welfare maximization, our result can be seen as strong evidence that edge-weighted bipartite matching is strictly easier than submodular welfare maximization in the online setting.
The main ingredient in our online matching algorithm is a novel subroutine called online correlated selection (OCS), which takes a sequence of pairs of vertices as input and selects one vertex from each pair. Instead of using a fresh random bit to choose a vertex from each pair, the OCS negatively correlates decisions across different pairs and provides a quantitative measure on the level of correlation. We believe our OCS technique is of independent interest and will find further applications in other online optimization problems.
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Deletion Robust Submodular Maximization over Matroids
Ashkan Norouzi Fard
Federico Fusco
Paul Duetting
ICML'22 (2022)
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Maximizing a monotone submodular function is a fundamental task in machine learning. In this paper we study the deletion robust version of the problem under the classic matroids constraint. Here the goal is to extract a small size summary of the dataset that contains a high value independent set even after an adversary deleted some elements. We present constant-factor approximation algorithms, whose space complexity depends on the rank $k$ of the matroid and the number $d$ of deleted elements. In the centralized setting we present a $(3.582+O(\eps))$-approximation algorithm with summary size $O(k + \frac{d \log k}{\eps^2})$. In the streaming setting we provide a $(5.582+O(\eps))$-approximation algorithm with summary size and memory $O(k + \frac{d \log k}{\eps^2})$. We complement our theoretical results with an in-depth experimental analysis showing the effectiveness of our algorithms on real-world datasets.
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Distributed load balancing: a new framework and improved guarantees
Allen Liu
Binghui Peng
Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (2021)
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Inspired by applications on search engines and web servers, we consider a load balancing problem with a general \textit{convex} objective function. In this problem, we are given a bipartite graph on a set of sources $S$ and a set of workers $W$ and the goal is to distribute the load from each source among its neighboring workers such that the total load of workers are as balanced as possible.
We present a new distributed algorithm that works with \textit{any} symmetric non-decreasing convex function for evaluating the balancedness of the workers' load.
Our algorithm computes a nearly optimal allocation of loads in $O(\log n \log^2 d/\eps^3)$ rounds where $n$ is the number of nodes, $d$ is the maximum degree, and $\eps$ is the desired precision. If the objective is to minimize the maximum load, we modify the algorithm to obtain a nearly optimal solution in $O(\log n \log d/\eps^2)$ rounds. This improves a line of algorithms that require a polynomial number of rounds in $n$ and $d$ and appear to encounter a fundamental barrier that prevents them from obtaining poly-logarithmic runtime
\cite{berenbrink2005dynamic, berenbrink2009new, subramanian1994analysis, rabani1998local}. In our paper, we introduce a novel primal-dual approach with multiplicative weight updates that allows us to circumvent this barrier. Our algorithm is inspired by \cite{agrawal2018proportional} and other distributed algorithms for optimizing linear objectives but introduces several new twists to deal with general convex objectives.
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In this paper, we provide efficient approximation algorithms for finding the most likelihood configuration (MAP) of size $k$ for Determinantal Point Processes (DPP) in the online and streaming settings where the data points arrive in an arbitrary order. More specifically, in the online setting, where the algorithm cannot discard the selected elements from its local memory, our Online-DPP algorithm achieves an $O(k^{O(k)})$ multiplicative approximation with $\eta$ additive error, using memory independent of the number of points. In the streaming setting, where the algorithm is allowed to discard the previously selected elements, our Stream-DPP algorithm achieves an $O(k^{O(k)})$ multiplicative approximation (and no additive error), with similar memory bounds. We note that the exponential dependence on $k$ in the approximation factor is unavoidable even in the offline setting.
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Sliding Window Algorithms for k-Clustering Problems
Michele Borassi
Neurips 2020 (to appear)
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The sliding window model of computation captures scenarios in which data is arriving continuously, but only the latest $w$ elements should be used for analysis. The goal is to design algorithms that update the solution efficiently with each arrival rather than recomputing it from scratch. In this work, we focus on $k$-clustering problems such as $k$-means and $k$-median. In this setting, we give simple and practical algorithms that come with stronger performance guarantees than previously known results. Empirically, we show that our methods store only a small fraction of the data, are orders of magnitude faster, and find solutions with cost only slightly worse than those returned by algorithms that have access to the full dataset.
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Fully Dynamic Algorithm for Constrained Submodular Optimization
Ashkan Norouzi Fard
Jakub Tarnawski
Slobodan Mitrović
NeurIPS 2020 (to appear)
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The task of maximizing a monotone submodular function under a cardinality constraint is at the core of many machine learning and data mining applications, including data summarization, sparse regression and coverage problems. We study this problem in the context of fully dynamic streams, where elements can be both inserted and removed.
Our main result is a randomized algorithm that maintains an efficient data structure with a poly-logarithmic ammortized update time and returns a (1/2 - \epsilon)-approximate solution.
We complement our theoretical analysis with an empirical study of the performance of our algorithm.
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Scalable diversity maximization via small-size composable core-sets
31st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) (2019)
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Maximizing diversity is a central problem in information re-
trieval and data mining systems with prominent applications
in web search, recommender systems, news aggregators and
product search. In this paper, we study a diversity maxi-
mization problem (a.k.a. maximum dispersion problem) in
which given a set of n objects in a metric space, one wants to
find a subset of k objects with the maximum sum of pairwise
To solve this problem in a scalable distributed manner, we
apply a novel distributed framework for tackling large-scale
problems known as randomized composable core-sets: divide
the big data set into smaller parts, solve the problem for
each part, combine the solutions from each part, and solve
the problem on the union of these solutions. Our algorithms
improve significantly over the approximation guarantees of
state-of-the-art core-set-based algorithms while using min-
imum possible intermediate output size. In particular, we
present a simple distributed algorithm that achieves an al-
most optimal communication complexity, and moreover, it
asymptotically achieves approximation factor of 1/2 which
is the best possible approximation factor for the global opti-
mization problem under certain complexity theory assump-
Our algorithms are scalable and practical as shown by
our extensive empirical evaluation with large datasets and
they can be easily adapted to the major distributed comput-
ing systems like MapReduce. Furthermore, we show empir-
ically that, in real-life instances, our algorithms reach close-
to-optimal solutions with approximation factor of > 90%.
This approximation factor is far exceeding the approxima-
tion barrier for the problem and provide useful output.
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Better Sliding Window Algorithms to Maximize Subadditive and Diversity Objectives
Michele Borassi
Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2019)
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The streaming computation model is a standard model for large-scale data analysis: the input arrives one element at a time, and the goal is to maintain an approximately optimal solution using only a constant, or, at worst, poly-logarithmic space.
In practice, however, recency plays a large role, and one often wishes to consider only the last w elements that have arrived, the so-called sliding window problem. A trivial approach is to simply store the last w elements in a buffer; our goal is to develop algorithms with space and update time sublinear in w. In this regime, there are two frameworks: exponential histograms and smooth histograms, which can be used to obtain sliding window algorithms for families of functions satisfying certain properties.
Unfortunately, these frameworks have limitations and cannot always be applied directly. A prominent example is the case of a submodular function with cardinality constraints. Some of these difficulties can be rectified, but often only on a case-by-case basis. Here, we describe an alternative approach to designing efficient sliding window algorithms for maximization problems. Then we instantiate this approach on a wide range of problems, yielding better algorithms for submodular function optimization, diversity optimization and general subadditive optimization. In doing so, we improve state-of-the art results obtained using problem-specific algorithms.
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Any streaming algorithm is commonly judged
by the quality of its solution, the memory footprint, and its required amount of computations.
In this paper, we study the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function subject to
a cardinality constraint k. We propose SIEVESTREAMING++, a streaming algorithm that with
one pass over the data, while keeping only O(k)
elements, achieves the tight 1/2 approximation
guarantee. The best previously known streaming
algorithms either achieve a suboptimal approximation ratio 1/4 with Θ(k) memory or the tight
approximation ratio 1/2 with O(k log k) memory.
We then show that by buffering a small fraction
of the data stream, and through a careful filtering
procedure, one can heavily reduce the rounds of
adaptive computations, thus can lower the computational complexity of SIEVE-STREAMING++
substantially. We then generalize our results to
the more challenging multi-source streaming setting. We show how one can achieve the tight
1/2 approximation guarantee with a O(k) shared
memory, while minimizing not only the rounds
of computations but also the total number of communicated bits. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms on real-world applications including data summarization for multisource streams of tweets and of YouTube videos
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Non-monotone Submodular Maximization with Nearly Optimal Adaptivity and Query Complexity
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (2019), pp. 1833-1842
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Submodular maximization is a general optimization problem with a wide range of applications in machine learning (e.g., active learning, clustering, and feature selection). In large-scale optimization, the parallel running time of an algorithm is governed by its adaptivity, which measures the number of sequential rounds needed if the algorithm can execute polynomially-many independent oracle queries in parallel. While low adaptivity is ideal, it is not sufficient for an algorithm to be efficient in practice—there are many applications of distributed submodular optimization where the number of function evaluations becomes prohibitively expensive. Motivated by these applications, we study the adaptivity and query complexity of submodular maximization. In this paper, we give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for maximizing a nonmonotone submodular function subject to a cardinality constraint k that runs in O(log(n)) adaptive rounds and makes O(n log(k)) oracle queries in expectation. In our empirical study, we use three real-world applications to compare our algorithm with several benchmarks for non-monotone submodular maximization. The results demonstrate that our algorithm finds competitive solutions using significantly fewer rounds and queries.
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