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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10100 publications
    Concordance of randomised controlled trials for artificial intelligence interventions with the CONSORT-AI reporting guidelines
    Aditya U Kale
    Alastair Dennison
    Alexander Martindale
    An Wen Chan
    Andrew Beam
    Benjamin Ng
    Cecilia S. Lee
    Christopher Yau
    David Moher
    Gary Collins
    Lauren Oakden-Rayner
    Lavinia Ferrante di Ruffano
    Melanie Calvert
    Melissa D McCradden
    Pearse Keane
    Robert Golub
    Samantha Cruz Rivera
    Victoria Ngai
    Xiaoxuan Liu
    Nature Communications (2024)
    Preview abstract The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials extension for Artificial Intelligence interventions (CONSORT-AI) was published in September 2020. Since its publication, several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of AI interventions have been published but their completeness and transparency of reporting is unknown. This systematic review assesses the completeness of reporting of AI RCTs following publication of CONSORT-AI and provides a comprehensive summary of RCTs published in recent years. 65 RCTs were identified, mostly conducted in China (37%) and USA (18%). Median concordance with CONSORT-AI reporting was 90% (IQR 77–94%), although only 10 RCTs explicitly reported its use. Several items were consistently under-reported, including algorithm version, accessibility of the AI intervention or code, and references to a study protocol. Only 3 of 52 included journals explicitly endorsed or mandated CONSORT-AI. Despite a generally high concordance amongst recent AI RCTs, some AI-specific considerations remain systematically poorly reported. Further encouragement of CONSORT-AI adoption by journals and funders may enable more complete adoption of the full CONSORT-AI guidelines. View details
    Preview abstract Background. Wildfire research uses ensemble methods to analyze fire behaviors and assess uncertainties. Nonetheless, current research methods are either confined to simple models or complex simulations with limits. Modern computing tools could allow for efficient, high- fidelity ensemble simulations. Aims. This study proposes a high-fidelity ensemble wildfire simulation framework for studying wildfire behavior, ML tasks, fire-risk assessment, and uncertainty analysis. Methods. In this research, we present a simulation framework that integrates the Swirl-Fire large-eddy simulation tool for wildfire predictions with the Vizier optimization platform for automated run-time management of ensemble simulations and large-scale batch processing. All simulations are executed on tensor-processing units to enhance computational efficiency. Key results. A dataset of 117 simulations is created, each with 1.35 billion mesh points. The simulations are compared to existing experimental data and show good agreement in terms of fire rate of spread. Computations are done for fire acceleration, mean rate of spread, and fireline intensity. Conclusions. Strong coupling between these 2 parameters are observed for the fire spread and intermittency. A critical Froude number that delineates fires from plume-driven to convection-driven is identified and confirmed with literature observations. Implications. The ensemble simulation framework is efficient in facilitating parametric wildfire studies. View details
    Preview abstract Trust is central to how developers engage with AI. In this article, we discuss what we learned from developers about their level of trust in AI enhanced developer tooling, and how we translated those findings into product design recommendations to support customization, and the challenges we encountered along the way. View details
    FieldSwap: Data Augmentation for Effective Form-Like Document Extraction
    Seth Ebner
    IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (2024), pp. 4722-4732
    Preview abstract Extracting structured data from visually rich documents like invoices, receipts, financial statements, and tax forms is key to automating many business workflows. However, building extraction models in this domain often demands a large collection of high-quality training examples. To address this challenge, we introduce FieldSwap, a novel data augmentation technique specifically designed for such extraction problems. FieldSwap generates synthetic training examples by replacing key phrases indicative of one field with those corresponding to another. Our experiments on five diverse datasets demonstrate that incorporating FieldSwap-augmented data into the training process can enhance model performance by 1-11 F1 points, particularly when dealing with limited training data (10--100 documents). Additionally, we propose algorithms for automatically inferring key phrases from the training data. Our findings indicate that FieldSwap is effective regardless of whether key phrases are manually provided by human experts or inferred automatically. View details
    Understanding the Dataset Practitioners Behind Large Language Models
    Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM, Honolulu, HI, USA (2024)
    Preview abstract As large language models (LLMs) become more advanced and impactful, it is increasingly important to scrutinize the data that they rely upon and produce. What is it to be a dataset practitioner doing this work? We approach this in two parts: first, we define the role of "dataset practitioners'' by performing a retrospective analysis on the responsibilities of teams contributing to LLM development at a technology company, Google. Then, we conduct semi-structured interviews with a cross-section of these practitioners (N=10). We find that although data quality is a top priority, there is little consensus around what data quality is and how to evaluate it. Consequently, practitioners either rely on their own intuition or write custom code to evaluate their data. We discuss potential reasons for this phenomenon and opportunities for alignment. View details
    Preview abstract Inter-sentence pauses are the silences that occur between sentences in a paragraph or a dialogue. They are an important aspect of long-form speech prosody, as they can affect the naturalness, intelligibility, and effectiveness of communication. However, the user perception of inter-sentence pauses in long-form speech synthesis is not well understood. Previous work often evaluates pause modelling in conjunction with other prosodic features making it hard to explicitly study how raters perceive differences in inter-sentence pause lengths. In this paper, using multiple text-to-speech (TTS) datasets that cover different content types, domains, and settings, we investigate how sensitive raters are to changes to the durations of inter-sentence pauses in long-form speech by comparing ground truth audio samples with renditions that have manipulated pause durations. This experimental design is meant to allow us to draw conclusions regarding the utility that can be expected from similar evaluations when applied to synthesized long-form speech. We find that, using standard evaluation methodologies, raters are not sensitive to variations in pause lengths unless these deviate exceedingly from the norms or expectations of the speech context. View details
    Preview abstract What is it to explain the outputs of an opaque machine learning model? Popular strategies in the literature are to develop explainable machine learning techniques. These techniques approximate how the model works by providing local or global information about the inner workings of a machine learning model. In this paper, we argue that, in some cases, explaining machine learning outputs requires appealing to the third kind of explanation that we call socio-structural explanations. The importance of socio-structural explanations is motivated by the observation that machine learning models are not autonomous mathematico-computational entities. Instead, their very existence is intrinsically tied to the social context in which they operate. Sometimes, the social structures are mirrored in the design and training of machine learning models and hence appealing to the socio-structural explanations offers the relevant explanation for why the output is obtained. By thoroughly examining a well-known case of racially biased algorithmic resource allocation in healthcare, we highlight the significance of socio-structural explanations. One ramification of our proposal is that to understand how machine learning models perpetuate unjust social harms, more is needed to interpret them by model interpretability methods. Instead, providing socio-structural explanations adds explanatory adequacy as to how and why machine learning outputs are obtained View details
    Preview abstract Knowledge-grounded dialogue generation is a challenging task because it requires satisfying two fundamental yet often competing constraints: being responsive in a manner that is specific to what the conversation partner has said while also being attributable to an underlying source document. In this work, we bring this trade-off between these two objectives (specificity and attribution) to light and ask the question: Can explicit content planning before the response generation help the model to address this challenge? To answer this question, we design a framework called PLEDGE, which allows us to experiment with various plan variables explored in prior work, supporting both metric-agnostic and metric-aware approaches. While content planning shows promise, our results on whether it can actually help to navigate this trade-off are mixed -- planning mechanisms that are metric-aware (use automatic metrics during training) are better at automatic evaluations but underperform in human judgment compared to metric-agnostic mechanisms. We discuss how this may be caused by over-fitting to automatic metrics and the need for future work to better calibrate these metrics towards human judgment. We hope the observations from our analysis will inform future work that aims to apply content planning in this context. View details
    Meta-Manager: A Tool for Collecting and Exploring Meta Information about Code
    Amber Horvath
    Brad A. Myers
    CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2024)
    Preview abstract Modern software engineering is in a state of flux. With more development utilizing AI code generation tools and the continued reliance on online programming resources, understanding code and the original intent behind it is becoming more important than it ever has been. To this end, we have developed the “Meta-Manager”, a Visual Studio Code extension, with a supplementary browser extension, that automatically collects and organizes changes made to code while keeping track of the provenance of each part of the code, including code that has been copy-pasted from popular programming resources online. These sources and subsequent changes are represented in the editor and may be explored using searching and filtering mechanisms to help developers answer historically hard-to-answer questions about code, its provenance, and its design rationale. In our evaluation of Meta-Manager, we found developers were successfully able to use it to answer otherwise unanswerable questions about an unfamiliar code base. View details
    Take it, Leave it, or Fix it: Measuring Productivity and Trust in Human-AI Collaboration
    29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’24), ACM, New York, NY, USA (2024)
    Preview abstract Although recent developments in generative AI have greatly enhanced the capabilities of conversational agents such as Google's Bard or OpenAI's ChatGPT, it's unclear whether the usage of these agents aids users across various contexts. To better understand how access to conversational AI affects productivity and trust, we conducted a mixed-methods, task-based user study, observing 76 software engineers (N=76) as they completed a programming exam with and without access to Bard. Effects on performance, efficiency, satisfaction, and trust vary depending on user expertise, question type (open-ended "solve" questions vs. definitive "search" questions), and measurement type (demonstrated vs. self-reported). Our findings include evidence of automation complacency, increased reliance on the AI over the course of the task, and increased performance for novices on “solve”-type questions when using the AI. We discuss common behaviors, design recommendations, and impact considerations to improve collaborations with conversational AI. View details
    Ubiquitous and Low-Cost Generation of Elevation Pseudo Ground Control Points
    Etienne Le Grand
    Moustafa Youssef
    14th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN). Hong Kong, China, 2024.
    Preview abstract In this paper, we design a system to generate Pseudo Ground Control Points (PGCPs) using standard low-cost widely available GNSS receivers in a crowd-sourcing manner. We propose a number of GNSS points filters that removes different causes of errors and biases, and design a linear regression height estimator leading to high-accuracy PGCP elevations. Evaluation of our system shows that the PGCPs can achieve a median accuracy of 22.5 cm in 25 metropolitan areas in the USA. View details
    First Passage Percolation with Queried Hints
    Kritkorn Karntikoon
    Aaron Schild
    Yiheng Shen
    Ali Sinop
    AISTATS (2024)
    Preview abstract Optimization problems are ubiquitous throughout the modern world. In many of these applications, the input is inherently noisy and it is expensive to probe all of the noise in the input before solving the relevant optimization problem. In this work, we study how much of that noise needs to be queried in order to obtain an approximately optimal solution to the relevant problem. We focus on the shortest path problem in graphs, where one may think of the noise as coming from real-time traffic. We consider the following model: start with a weighted base graph $G$ and multiply each edge weight by an independently chosen, uniformly random number in $[1,2]$ to obtain a random graph $G'$. This model is called \emph{first passage percolation}. Mathematicians have studied this model extensively when $G$ is a $d$-dimensional grid graph, but the behavior of shortest paths in this model is still poorly understood in general graphs. We make progress in this direction for a class of graphs that resembles real-world road networks. Specifically, we prove that if the geometric realization of $G$ has constant doubling dimension, then for a given $s-t$ pair, we only need to probe the weights on $((\log n) / \epsilon)^{O(1)}$ edges in $G'$ in order to obtain a $(1 + \epsilon)$-approximation to the $s-t$ distance in $G'$. We also demonstrate experimentally that this result is pessimistic -- one can even obtain a short path in $G'$ with a small number of probes to $G'$. View details
    Open Se Cura: First Silicon Results of an Auditable and Transparent Hardware Root of Trust System using Open EDA in 16-nm
    Guanchen Tao
    Ming-Hung Chen
    Bangfei Pan
    Kai Yick
    Dennis Sylvester
    Mehdi Saligane
    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, 16(2024), pp. 58-66
    Preview abstract Hardware Root of Trust (HRoT) is essential for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices as it provides critical user data protection. However, each novel use case significantly lengthens the development time for an HRoT system. Furthermore, most HRoT solutions are proprietary, and users lack permission to inspect and audit such systems [1-2]. This paper introduces Open Se Cura, which is an open-source framework designed to expedite the implementation of secure and transparent HRoT systems. It utilizes open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools like OpenROAD [3-4] and OpenFASOC [5-6], along with open-source Process Design Kits (PDKs), to present a transparent and auditable approach to hardware-software co-design platforms. This approach enables fast and trustworthy HRoT system implementation and is made openly available to reproduce its results and security efficacy [7]. Our reference design is showcased through FPGA emulation, and the first measurement results of a silicon implementation in 16nm of Open Se Cura security domain subsets integrated using open-source EDA are presented. View details
    Preview abstract Background: Artificial Intelligence for health has the potential to significantly change and improve healthcare. However in most African countries identifying culturally and contextually attuned approaches for deploying these solutions is not well understood. To bridge this gap, we conduct a qualitative study to investigate the best practices, fairness indicators and potential biases to mitigate when deploying AI for health in African countries, as well as explore opportunities where artificial intelligence could make a positive impact in health. Methods: We used a mixed methods approach combining in-depth interviews (IDIs) and surveys. We conduct 1.5-2 hour long IDIs with 50 experts in health, policy and AI across 17 countries, and through an inductive approach we conduct a qualitative thematic analysis on expert IDI responses. We administer a blinded 30-minute survey with thought-cases to 672 general population participants across 5 countries in Africa (Ghana, South Africa, Rwanda, Kenya and Nigeria), and analyze responses on quantitative scales, statistically comparing responses by country, age, gender, and level of familiarity with AI. We thematically summarize open-ended responses from surveys. Results and Conclusion: Our results find generally positive attitudes, high levels of trust, accompanied by moderate levels of concern among general population participants for AI usage for health in Africa. This contrasts with expert responses, where major themes revolved around trust/mistrust, AI ethics concerns, and systemic barriers to overcome, among others. This work presents the first-of-its-kind qualitative research study of the potential of AI for health in Africa with perspectives from both experts and the general population. We hope that this work guides policy makers and drives home the need for education and the inclusion of general population perspectives in decision-making around AI usage. View details
    Preview abstract Large language models (LLMs) hold promise to serve complex health information needs but also have the potential to introduce harm and exacerbate health disparities. Reliably evaluating equity-related model failures is a critical step toward developing systems that promote health equity. We present resources and methodologies for surfacing biases with potential to precipitate equity-related harms in long-form, LLM-generated answers to medical questions and conduct a large-scale empirical case study with the Med-PaLM 2 LLM. Our contributions include a multifactorial framework for human assessment of LLM-generated answers for biases and EquityMedQA, a collection of seven datasets enriched for adversarial queries. Both our human assessment framework and our dataset design process are grounded in an iterative participatory approach and review of Med-PaLM 2 answers. Through our empirical study, we find that our approach surfaces biases that may be missed by narrower evaluation approaches. Our experience underscores the importance of using diverse assessment methodologies and involving raters of varying backgrounds and expertise. While our approach is not sufficient to holistically assess whether the deployment of an artificial intelligence (AI) system promotes equitable health outcomes, we hope that it can be leveraged and built upon toward a shared goal of LLMs that promote accessible and equitable healthcare. View details