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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10081 publications
    Preview abstract Recent Text-to-Image (T2I) generation models such as Stable Diffusion and Imagen have made significant progress in generating high-resolution images based on text descriptions. However, many generated images still suffer from issues such as artifacts/implausibility, misalignment with text descriptions, and low aesthetic quality. Inspired by the success of Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) for large language models, prior work collected human-provided scores as feedback on generated images and trained a reward model to improve the T2I generation. In this paper, we enrich the feedback signal by (i) marking image regions that are implausible or misaligned with the text, and (ii) annotating which keywords in the text prompt are not represented in the image. We collect such rich human feedback on 18K generated images and train a multimodal transformer to predict these rich feedback automatically. We show that the predicted rich human feedback can be leveraged to improve image generation, for example, by selecting high-quality training data to finetune and improve the generative models, or by creating masks with predicted heatmaps to inpaint the problematic regions. Notably, the improvements generalize to models (Muse) beyond those used to generate the images on which human feedback data were collected (Stable Diffusion variants). View details
    Can Query Expansion Improve Generalization of Strong Cross-Encoder Rankers?
    Minghan Li
    Jimmy Lin
    Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24) (2024)
    Preview abstract Query expansion has been widely used to improve the search results of first-stage retrievers, yet its influence on second-stage, crossencoder rankers remains under-explored. A recent study shows that current expansion techniques benefit weaker models but harm stronger rankers. In this paper, we re-examine this conclusion and raise the following question: Can query expansion improve generalization of strong cross-encoder rankers? To answer this question, we first apply popular query expansion methods to different crossencoder rankers and verify the deteriorated zero-shot effectiveness. We identify two vital steps in the experiment: high-quality keyword generation and minimally-disruptive query modification. We show that it is possible to improve the generalization of a strong neural ranker, by generating keywords through a reasoning chain and aggregating the ranking results of each expanded query via selfconsistency, reciprocal rank weighting, and fusion. Experiments on BEIR and TREC Deep Learning 2019/2020 show that the nDCG@10 scores of both MonoT5 and RankT5 following these steps are improved, which points out a direction for applying query expansion to strong cross-encoder rankers. View details
    Preview abstract Image-Text pretraining on a web-scale image caption dataset has become the default recipe for open vocabulary classification and retrieval models thanks to the success of CLIP and its variants. Several works have also used CLIP features for dense prediction tasks and have shown the emergence of open-set abilities. However, the contrastive objective only focuses on image and text alignment and does not incentivise image feature learning for dense prediction tasks. In this work, we propose the simple addition of local-to-global correspondence learning by self-distillation as an additional objective for contrastive pre-training to propose SILC. We show that distilling local image features from an EMA teacher model significantly improves model performance on tasks including classification, retrieval, and especially segmentation. We further show that SILC scales better with the same training duration compared to the baselines. Our improved SILC sets a new state-of-the-art for zero-shot classification, few shot classification, image retrieval, zero-shot segmentation, and open vocabulary segmentation. View details
    SCOREQ: Speech Quality Assessment with Contrastive Regression
    Alessandro Ragano
    Andrew Hines
    NeurIPS (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we present SCOREQ, a novel approach for speech quality prediction. SCOREQ is a triplet loss function for contrastive regression that addresses the domain generalisation shortcoming exhibited by state of the art no-reference speech quality metrics. In the paper we: (i) illustrate the problem of L2 loss training failing at capturing the continuous nature of the mean opinion score (MOS) labels; (ii) demonstrate the lack of generalisation through a benchmarking evaluation across several speech domains; (iii) outline our approach and explore the impact of the architectural design decisions through incremental evaluation; (iv) evaluate the final model against state of the art models for a wide variety of data and domains. The results show that the lack of generalisation observed in state of the art speech quality metrics is addressed by SCOREQ. We conclude that using a triplet loss function View details
    Preview abstract Motivated by the increased adoption of autobidding algorithms in internet advertising markets, we study the design of optimal mechanisms for selling items to a value-maximizing buyer with a return-on-spend constraint. The buyer's values and target ratio in the return-on-spend constraint are private. We restrict attention to deterministic sequential screening mechanisms that can be implemented as a menu of prices paid for purchasing an item or not. The main result of this paper is to provide a characterization of an optimal mechanism. Surprisingly, we show that the optimal mechanism does not require target screening, i.e., offering a single pair of prices is optimal for the seller. The optimal mechanism is a subsidized posted price that provides a subsidy to the buyer to encourage participation and then charges a fixed unit price for each item sold. The seller's problem is a challenging non-linear mechanism design problem, and a key technical contribution of our work is to provide a novel approach to analyze non-linear pricing contracts. View details
    Open Se Cura: First Silicon Results of an Auditable and Transparent Hardware Root of Trust System using Open EDA in 16-nm
    Guanchen Tao
    Ming-Hung Chen
    Bangfei Pan
    Kai Yick
    Dennis Sylvester
    Mehdi Saligane
    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, 16(2024), pp. 58-66
    Preview abstract Hardware Root of Trust (HRoT) is essential for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices as it provides critical user data protection. However, each novel use case significantly lengthens the development time for an HRoT system. Furthermore, most HRoT solutions are proprietary, and users lack permission to inspect and audit such systems [1-2]. This paper introduces Open Se Cura, which is an open-source framework designed to expedite the implementation of secure and transparent HRoT systems. It utilizes open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools like OpenROAD [3-4] and OpenFASOC [5-6], along with open-source Process Design Kits (PDKs), to present a transparent and auditable approach to hardware-software co-design platforms. This approach enables fast and trustworthy HRoT system implementation and is made openly available to reproduce its results and security efficacy [7]. Our reference design is showcased through FPGA emulation, and the first measurement results of a silicon implementation in 16nm of Open Se Cura security domain subsets integrated using open-source EDA are presented. View details
    USM-SCD: USM-Based Multilingual Speaker Change Detection
    Yongqiang Wang
    Jason Pelecanos
    Yu Zhang
    Yiling Huang
    Han Lu
    ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 11801-11805
    Preview abstract We introduce a multilingual speaker change detection model (USM- SCD) that can simultaneously detect speaker turns and perform ASR for 96 languages. This model is adapted from a speech foundation model trained on a large quantity of supervised and unsupervised data, demonstrating the utility of fine-tuning from a large generic foundation model for a downstream task. We analyze the performance of this multilingual speaker change detection model through a series of ablation studies. We show that the USM-SCD model can achieve more than 75% average speaker change detection F1 score across a test set that consists of data from 96 languages. On American English, the USM-SCD model can achieve an 85.8% speaker change detection F1 score across various public and internal test sets, beating the previous monolingual baseline model by 21% relative. We also show that we only need to fine-tune one-quarter of the trainable model parameters to achieve the best model performance. The USM-SCD model exhibits state-of-the-art ASR quality compared with a strong public ASR baseline, making it suitable to handle both tasks with negligible additional computational cost. View details
    KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT
    Mark Moeller
    Jules Jacobs
    Olivier Savary Belanger
    David Darais
    Cole Schlesinger
    Nate Foster
    Alexandra Silva
    Programming Languages and Implementation (PLDI) (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract We develop new data structures and algorithms for checking verification queries in NetKAT, a domain-specific language for specifying the behavior of network data planes. Our results extend the techniques obtained in prior work on symbolic automata and provide a framework for building efficient and scalable verification tools. We present \KATch, an implementation of these ideas in Scala, including extended logical operators that are useful for expressing network-wide specifications and optimizations that construct a bisimulation quickly or generate a counter-example showing that none exists. We evaluate the performance of our implementation on real-world and synthetic benchmarks, verifying properties such as reachability and slice isolation, typically returning a result in well under a second, which is orders of magnitude faster than previous approaches. View details
    Preview abstract We present a method for generating Streetscapes --- long sequences of views through an on-the-fly synthesized city-scale scene. Our generation is conditioned by language input (e.g., city name, weather), as well as an underlying map/layout hosting the desired trajectory. Compared to recent models for video generation or 3D view synthesis, our method can scale to much longer-range camera trajectories, spanning several city blocks, while maintaining visual quality and consistency. To achieve this goal, we build on recent work on video diffusion, used within an autoregressive framework that can easily scale to long sequences. In particular, we introduce a new temporal imputation method that prevents our autoregressive approach from drifting from the distribution of realistic city imagery. We train our Streetscapes system on a compelling source of data-posed imagery from Google Street View, along with contextual map data-which allows users to generate city views conditioned on any desired city layout, with controllable camera poses. View details
    Creativity, Generative AI, and Software Development: A Research Agenda
    Victoria Jackson
    Bogdan Vasilescu
    Daniel Russo
    Paul Ralph
    Maliheh Izadi
    Rafael Prikladnicki
    Anielle Lisboa
    Andre van der Hoek
    Preview abstract Creativity has always been considered a major differentiator to separate the good from the great, and we believe the importance of creativity to software development will only increase as GenAI becomes embedded in developer tool-chains and working practices. This paper uses the McLuhan tetrad alongside scenarios of how GenAI may disrupt software development more broadly, to identify potential impacts GenAI may have on creativity within software development. The impacts are discussed along with a future research agenda comprising of six connected themes that consider how individual capabilities, team capabilities, the product, unintended consequences, society, and human aspects can be affected. View details
    Augmentations vs Algorithms: What Works in Self-Supervised Learning
    Warren Morningstar
    Alex Bijamov
    Chris Duvarney
    Luke Friedman
    Neha Kalibhat
    Philip Mansfield
    Renan Rojas-Gomez
    Karan Singhal
    Bradley Green
    Sushant Prakash
    Arxiv (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract We study the relative effects of data augmentations, pretraining algorithms, and model architectures in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL). While the recent literature in this space leaves the impression that the pretraining algorithm is of critical importance to performance, understanding its effect is complicated by the difficulty in making objective and direct comparisons between methods. We propose a new framework which unifies many seemingly disparate SSL methods into a single shared template. Using this framework, we identify aspects in which methods differ and observe that in addition to changing the pretraining algorithm, many works also use new data augmentations or more powerful model architectures. We compare several popular SSL methods using our framework and find that many algorithmic additions, such as prediction networks or new losses, have a minor impact on downstream task performance (often less than 1%), while enhanced augmentation techniques offer more significant performance improvements (2−4%). Our findings challenge the premise that SSL is being driven primarily by algorithmic improvements, and suggest instead a bitter lesson for SSL: that augmentation diversity and data / model scale are more critical contributors to recent advances in self-supervised learning. View details
    Preview abstract We focus on the problem of learning without forgetting from multiple tasks arriving sequentially, where each task is defined using a few-shot episode of novel or already seen classes. We approach this problem using the recently published HyperTransformer (HT), a Transformer-based hypernetwork that generates specialized task-specific CNN weights directly from the support set. In order to learn from a continual sequence of tasks, we propose to recursively re-use the generated weights as input to the HT for the next task. This way, the generated CNN weights themselves act as a representation of previously learned tasks, and the HT is trained to update these weights so that the new task can be learned without forgetting past tasks. This approach is different from most continual learning algorithms that typically rely on using replay buffers, weight regularization or task-dependent architectural changes. We demonstrate that our proposed Continual HyperTransformer method equipped with a prototypical loss is capable of learning and retaining knowledge about past tasks for a variety of scenarios, including learning from mini-batches, and task-incremental and class-incremental learning scenarios. View details
    Preview abstract Federated learning has been widely used to train automatic speech recognition models, where the training procedure is decentralized to client devices to avoid data privacy concerns by keeping the training data locally. However, the limited computation resources on client devices prevent training with large models. Recently, quantization-aware training has shown the potential to train a quantized neural network with similar performance to the full-precision model while keeping the model size small and inference faster. However, these quantization methods will not save memory during training since they still keep the full-precision model. To address this issue, we propose a new quantization training framework for federated learning which saves the memory usage by training with quantized variables directly on local devices. We empirically show that our method can achieve comparable WER while only using 60% memory of the full-precision model. View details
    Preview abstract Many geographic information systems applications rely on the data provided by user devices in the road network. Such applications include traffic monitoring, driving navigation, detecting road closures or the construction of new roads, etc. This signal is collected by sampling locations from the user trajectories and is a critical process for all such systems. Yet, it has not been sufficiently studied in the literature. The most natural way to sample a trajectory is perhaps using a frequency based algorithm, e.g., sample every $x$ seconds. However, as we argue in this paper, such a simple strategy can be very wasteful in terms of resources (e.g., server-side processing, user battery) and in terms of the amount of user data that it maintains. In this work we conduct a horizontal study of various location sampling algorithms (including frequency-based, road geography-based, reservoir-sampling based, etc.) and extract their trade-offs in terms of various metrics of interest, such as, the size of the stored data and the induced quality of training for prediction tasks (e.g., predicting speeds) using the road network of New York City. View details
    Preview abstract Graphs are a powerful tool for representing and analyzing complex relationships in real-world applications such as social networks, recommender systems, and computational finance. Reasoning on graphs is essential for drawing inferences about the relationships between entities in a complex system, and to identify hidden patterns and trends. Despite the remarkable progress in automated reasoning with natural text, reasoning on graphs with large language models (LLMs) remains an understudied problem. In this work, we perform the first comprehensive study of encoding graph-structured data as text for consumption by LLMs. We show that LLM performance on graph reasoning tasks varies on three fundamental levels: (1) the graph encoding method, (2) the nature of the graph task itself, and (3) interestingly, the very structure of the graph considered. These novel results provide valuable insight on strategies for encoding graphs as text. Using these insights we illustrate how the correct choice of encoders can boost performance on graph reasoning tasks inside LLMs by 4.8% to 61.8%, depending on the task. View details