Taedong Yun

Taedong Yun

Authored Publications
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    Unsupervised representation learning on high-dimensional clinical data improves genomic discovery and prediction
    Babak Behsaz
    Zachary Ryan Mccaw
    Davin Hill
    Robert Luben
    Dongbing Lai
    John Bates
    Howard Yang
    Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An
    Yuchen Zhou
    Anthony Khawaja
    Andrew Carroll
    Brian Hobbs
    Michael Cho
    Nature Genetics (2024)
    Preview abstract Although high-dimensional clinical data (HDCD) are increasingly available in biobank-scale datasets, their use for genetic discovery remains challenging. Here we introduce an unsupervised deep learning model, Representation Learning for Genetic Discovery on Low-Dimensional Embeddings (REGLE), for discovering associations between genetic variants and HDCD. REGLE leverages variational autoencoders to compute nonlinear disentangled embeddings of HDCD, which become the inputs to genome-wide association studies (GWAS). REGLE can uncover features not captured by existing expert-defined features and enables the creation of accurate disease-specific polygenic risk scores (PRSs) in datasets with very few labeled data. We apply REGLE to perform GWAS on respiratory and circulatory HDCD—spirograms measuring lung function and photoplethysmograms measuring blood volume changes. REGLE replicates known loci while identifying others not previously detected. REGLE are predictive of overall survival, and PRSs constructed from REGLE loci improve disease prediction across multiple biobanks. Overall, REGLE contain clinically relevant information beyond that captured by existing expert-defined features, leading to improved genetic discovery and disease prediction. View details
    Preview abstract Large-scale population variant data is often used to filter and aid interpretation of variant calls in a single sample. These approaches do not incorporate population information directly into the process of variant calling, and are often limited to filtering which trades recall for precision. In this study, we develop population-aware DeepVariant models with a new channel encoding allele frequencies from the 1000 Genomes Project. This model reduces variant calling errors, improving both precision and recall in single samples, and reduces rare homozygous and pathogenic clinvar calls cohort-wide. We assess the use of population-specific or diverse reference panels, finding the greatest accuracy with diverse panels, suggesting that large, diverse panels are preferable to individual populations, even when the population matches sample ancestry. Finally, we show that this benefit generalizes to samples with different ancestry from the training data even when the ancestry is also excluded from the reference panel. View details
    Preview abstract Large-scale population variant data is often used to filter and aid interpretation of variant calls in a single sample. These approaches do not incorporate population information directly into the process of variant calling, and are often limited to filtering which trades recall for precision. In this study, we develop population-aware DeepVariant models with a new channel encoding allele frequencies from the 1000 Genomes Project. This model reduces variant calling errors, improving both precision and recall in single samples, and reduces rare homozygous and pathogenic clinvar calls cohort-wide. We assess the use of population-specific or diverse reference panels, finding the greatest accuracy with diverse panels, suggesting that large, diverse panels are preferable to individual populations, even when the population matches sample ancestry. Finally, we show that this benefit generalizes to samples with different ancestry from the training data even when the ancestry is also excluded from the reference panel. View details
    Preview abstract High-dimensional clinical data have become invaluable resources for genetic studies, due to their accessibility in biobank-scale datasets and the development of high performance modeling techniques especially using deep learning. Recent work has shown that low dimensional embeddings of these clinical data learned by variational autoencoders (VAE) can be used for genome-wide association studies and polygenic risk prediction. In this work, we consider multiple unsupervised learning methods for learning disentangled representations, namely autoencoders, VAE, beta-VAE, and FactorVAE, in the context of genetic studies. Using spirograms from UK Biobank as a running example, we observed improvements in the genome-wide significant loci, heritability, and polygenic risk scores for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared to VAE or (non-variational) autoencoders. We observed FactorVAEs are consistently effective for genomic discovery and risk prediction across multiple settings of the regularization hyperparameter, while beta-VAEs are much more sensitive to the hyperparameter values. View details
    How DeepConsensus Works
    Aaron Wenger
    Anastasiya Belyaeva
    Andrew Carroll
    Armin Töpfer
    Ashish Teku Vaswani
    Daniel Cook
    Felipe Llinares
    Gunjan Baid
    Howard Yang
    Jean-Philippe Vert
    Kishwar Shafin
    Maria Nattestad
    Waleed Ammar
    William J. Rowell
    Preview abstract N/A These are slides for a public video about DeepConsensus View details
    DeepConsensus improves the accuracy of sequences with a gap-aware sequence transformer
    Aaron Wenger
    Andrew Walker Carroll
    Armin Töpfer
    Ashish Teku Vaswani
    Daniel Cook
    Felipe Llinares
    Gunjan Baid
    Howard Cheng-Hao Yang
    Jean-Philippe Vert
    Kishwar Shafin
    Maria Nattestad
    Waleed Ammar
    William J. Rowell
    Nature Biotechnology (2022)
    Preview abstract Genomic analysis requires accurate sequencing in sufficient coverage and over difficult genome regions. Through repeated sampling of a circular template, Pacific Biosciences developed long (10-25kb) reads with high overall accuracy, but lower homopolymer accuracy. Here, we introduce DeepConsensus, a transformer-based approach which leverages a unique alignment loss to correct sequencing errors. DeepConsensus reduces errors in PacBio HiFi reads by 42%, compared to the current approach. We show this increases the yield of PacBio HiFi reads at Q20 by 9%, at Q30 by 27%, and at Q40 by 90%. With two SMRT cells of HG003, reads from DeepConsensus improve hifiasm assembly contiguity (NG50 4.9Mb to 17.2Mb), increase gene completeness (94% to 97%), reduce false gene duplication rate (1.1% to 0.5%), and improve assembly base accuracy (QV43 to QV45), and also reduce variant calling errors by 24%. View details
    Preview abstract Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) examine the association between genotype and phenotype while adjusting for a set of covariates. Although the covariates may have non-linear or interactive effects, due to the challenge of specifying the model, GWAS often neglect such terms. Here we introduce DeepNull, a method that identifies and adjusts for non-linear and interactive covariate effects using a deep neural network. In analyses of simulated and real data, we demonstrate that DeepNull maintains tight control of the type I error while increasing statistical power by up to 20% in the presence of non-linear and interactive effects. Moreover, in the absence of such effects, DeepNull incurs no loss of power. When applied to 10 phenotypes from the UK Biobank (n=370K), DeepNull discovered more hits (+6%) and loci (+7%), on average, than conventional association analyses, many of which are biologically plausible or have previously been reported. Finally, DeepNull improves upon linear modeling for phenotypic prediction (+23% on average). View details
    Preview abstract Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) examine the association between genotype and phenotype while adjusting for a set of covariates. Although the covariates may have non-linear or interactive effects, due to the challenge of specifying the model, GWAS often neglect such terms. Here we introduce DeepNull, a method that identifies and adjusts for non-linear and interactive covariate effects using a deep neural network. In analyses of simulated and real data, we demonstrate that DeepNull maintains tight control of the type I error while increasing statistical power by up to 20% in the presence of non-linear and interactive effects. Moreover, in the absence of such effects, DeepNull incurs no loss of power. When applied to 10 phenotypes from the UK Biobank (n = 370K), DeepNull discovered more hits (+6%) and loci (+7%), on average, than conventional association analyses, many of which are biologically plausible or have previously been reported. Finally, DeepNull improves upon linear modeling for phenotypic prediction (+23% on average). View details
    A population-specific reference panel for improved genotype imputation in African Americans
    Jared O’Connell
    Meghan Moreno
    Helen Li
    Nadia Litterman
    Elizabeth Noblin
    Anjali Shastri
    Elizabeth H. Dorfman
    Suyash Shringarpure
    23andMe Research Team
    Adam Auton
    Andrew Carroll
    Communications Biology (2021)
    Preview abstract There is currently a dearth of accessible whole genome sequencing (WGS) data for individuals residing in the Americas with Sub-Saharan African ancestry. We generated whole genome sequencing data at intermediate (15×) coverage for 2,294 individuals with large amounts of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, predominantly Atlantic African admixed with varying amounts of European and American ancestry. We performed extensive comparisons of variant callers, phasing algorithms, and variant filtration on these data to construct a high quality imputation panel containing data from 2,269 unrelated individuals. With the exception of the TOPMed imputation server (which notably cannot be downloaded), our panel substantially outperformed other available panels when imputing African American individuals. The raw sequencing data, variant calls and imputation panel for this cohort are all freely available via dbGaP and should prove an invaluable resource for further study of admixed African genetics. View details
    Preview abstract Motivation Population-scale sequenced cohorts are foundational resources for genetic analyses, but processing raw reads into analysis-ready cohort-level variants remains challenging. Results We introduce an open-source cohort-calling method that uses the highly-accurate caller DeepVariant and scalable merging tool GLnexus. Using callset quality metrics based on variant recall and precision in benchmark samples and Mendelian consistency in father-mother-child trios, we optimized the method across a range of cohort sizes, sequencing methods, and sequencing depths. The resulting callsets show consistent quality improvements over those generated using existing best practices with reduced cost. We further evaluate our pipeline in the deeply sequenced 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP) samples and show superior callset quality metrics and imputation reference panel performance compared to an independently-generated GATK Best Practices pipeline. Availability and Implementation We publicly release the 1KGP individual-level variant calls and cohort callset (https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/brain-genomics-public/research/cohort/1KGP) to foster additional development and evaluation of cohort merging methods as well as broad studies of genetic variation. Both DeepVariant (https://github.com/google/deepvariant) and GLnexus (https://github.com/dnanexus-rnd/GLnexus) are open-sourced, and the optimized GLnexus setup discovered in this study is also integrated into GLnexus public releases v1.2.2 and later. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. View details