Mingqing Chen

Mingqing Chen

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    Preview abstract Federated learning has been widely used to train automatic speech recognition models, where the training procedure is decentralized to client devices to avoid data privacy concerns by keeping the training data locally. However, the limited computation resources on client devices prevent training with large models. Recently, quantization-aware training has shown the potential to train a quantized neural network with similar performance to the full-precision model while keeping the model size small and inference faster. However, these quantization methods will not save memory during training since they still keep the full-precision model. To address this issue, we propose a new quantization training framework for federated learning which saves the memory usage by training with quantized variables directly on local devices. We empirically show that our method can achieve comparable WER while only using 60% memory of the full-precision model. View details
    Diurnal or Nocturnal? Federated Learning of Multi-branch Networks from Periodically Shifting Distributions
    Chen Zhu
    Jakub Konečný
    Tom Goldstein
    International Conference on Learning Representations (2022) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Federated learning has been applied to train machine learning models from decentralized client data on mobile devices in practice. The population of the large scale clients are observed to have periodically shifting distributions, which can cause instability in training and degrade the final model performance. In this paper, instead of adopting the block-cyclic distribution shifts in previous papers, we model the population distribution to be a mixture distribution gradually changing between daytime subpopulation and nighttime subpopulation. We verified this intuitive modification better matches the training observation in practical federated learning systems. We propose multi-branch networks to handle the domain differences in subpopulations, and exploit a federated Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm with temporal priors to select branches for each client to handle the distribution shift. Experiments for image classification on EMNIST and CIFAR datasets, and next word prediction on the Stack Overflow dataset show that the proposed algorithm can effectively mitigate the impact of the distribution shift and significantly improve the final model performance. View details
    Preview abstract This paper addresses the challenges of training large neural network models under federated learning settings: high on-device memory usage and communication cost. The proposed Online Model Compression (OMC) provides a framework that stores model parameters in a compressed format and decompresses them only when needed. We use quantization as the compression method in this paper and propose three methods, (1) using per-variable transformation, (2) weight matrices only quantization, and (3) partial parameter quantization, to minimize the impact on model accuracy. According to our experiments on two recent neural networks for speech recognition and two different datasets, OMC can reduce memory usage and communication cost of model parameters by up to 59% while attaining comparable accuracy and training speed when compared with full-precision training. View details
    Preview abstract Most studies in cross-device federated learning focus on small models, due to the server-client communication and on-device computation bottlenecks. In this work, we leverage various techniques for mitigating these bottlenecks to train larger language models in cross-device federated learning. With systematic applications of partial model training, quantization, efficient transfer learning, and communication-efficient optimizers, we are able to train a 21M parameter Transformer that achieves the same perplexity as that of a similarly sized LSTM with ~10x smaller client-to-server communication cost and 11% lower perplexity than smaller LSTMs commonly studied in literature. View details
    Preview abstract Personalization of speech models on mobile devices (on-device personalization) is an active area of research, but more often than not, mobile devices have more text-only data than paired audio-text data. We explore training a personalized language model on text-only data, used during inference to improve speech recognition performance for that user. We experiment on a user-clustered LibriSpeech corpus, supplemented with personalized text-only data for each user from Project Gutenberg. We release this User-Specific LibriSpeech (UserLibri) dataset to aid future personalization research. LibriSpeech audio-transcript pairs are grouped into 55 users from the test-clean dataset and 52 users from test-other. We are able to lower the average word error rate per user across both sets in streaming and nonstreaming models, including an improvement of 2.5 for the harder set of test-other users when streaming. View details
    Preview abstract Almost none of the 2,000+ languages spoken in Africa have widely available automatic speech recognition systems, and the required data is also only available for a few languages. We have experimented with two techniques which may provide pathways to large vocabulary speech recognition for African languages: multilingual modeling and self-supervised learning. We gathered available open source data and collected data for 15 languages, and trained experimental models using these techniques. Our results show that pooling the small amounts of data available in multilingual end-to-end models, and pre-training on unsupervised data can help improve speech recognition quality for many African languages. View details
    Capitalization Normalization for Language Modeling with an Accurate and Efficient Hierarchical {RNN} Model
    You-Chi Cheng
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2022, Virtual and Singapore, 23-27 May 2022, {IEEE}, pp. 6097-6101
    Preview abstract Capitalization normalization (truecasing) is the task of restoring the correct case (uppercase or lowercase) of noisy text. We propose a fast, accurate and compact two-level hierarchical word-and-character-based recurrent neural network model. We use the truecaser to normalize user-generated text in a Federated Learning framework for language modeling. A case-aware language model trained on this normalized text achieves the same perplexity as a model trained on text with gold capitalization. In a real user A/B experiment, we demonstrate that the improvement translates to reduced prediction error rates in a virtual keyboard application. Similarly, in an ASR language model fusion experiment, we show reduction in uppercase character error rate and word error rate. View details
    Preview abstract Federated learning is used for decentralized training of machine learning models on millions of edge mobile devices. This is challenging because these devices often have limited communication bandwidth, and local computation resources. We exploit partially trainable neural networks, which freeze a portion of the model parameters during the entire training process, to reduce the communication cost with little implications on model performance. Through extensive experiments, we empirically show that Federated learning of Partially Trainable neural networks (FedPT) can result in good communication-accuracy trade-offs, with up to $46\times$ reduction in communication cost, at a small accuracy cost. The proposed FedPT can be particularly interesting for pushing the limitations of overparameterization for on-device learning. View details
    Preview abstract Truecasing is the task of restoring the correct case (uppercase or lowercase) of noisy text generated either by an automatic system for speech recognition or machine translation or by humans. It improves the performance of downstream NLP tasks such as named entity recognition and language modeling. We propose a fast, accurate and compact two-level hierarchical word-and-character-based recurrent neural network model, the first of its kind for this problem. Using sequence distillation, we also address the problem of truecasing while ignoring token positions in the sentence, i.e. in a position-invariant manner. View details
    Preview abstract In distributed learning settings such as federated learning, the training algorithm can be potentially biased towards different clients. Mohri et al. (2019) proposed a domain-agnostic learning algorithm, where the model is optimized for any target distribution formed by a mixture of the client distributions in order to overcome this bias. They further proposed an algorithm for the cross-silo federated learning setting, where the number of clients is small. We consider this problem in the cross-device setting, where the number of clients is much larger. We propose a communication-efficient distributed algorithm called Agnostic Federated Averaging (or AgnosticFedAvg) to minimize the domain-agnostic objective proposed in (Mohri et al., 2019), which is amenable to other private mechanisms such as secure aggregation. We highlight two types of naturally occurring domains in federated learning and argue that AgnosticFedAvg performs well on both. To demonstrate the practical effectiveness of AgnosticFedAvg, we report positive results for large-scale language modeling tasks in both simulation and live experiments, where the latter involves training language models for Spanish virtual keyboard for millions of user devices. View details