
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10081 publications
    Productive Coverage: Improving the Actionability of Code Coverage
    Luka Kalinovcic
    Mateusz Lewko
    Rene Just
    Yana Kulizhskaya
    ICSE-SEIP '24: Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Code coverage is an intuitive and established test adequacy measure. However, not all parts of the code base are equally important, and hence additional testing may be critical for some uncovered code, whereas it may not be worthwhile for other uncovered code. As a result, simply visualizing uncovered code is not reliably actionable. To make code coverage actionable and further improve code coverage in our codebase, we developed Productive Coverage — a novel approach to code coverage that guides developers to uncovered code that that should be tested by (unit) tests. Specifically, Productive Coverage identifies uncovered code that is similar to existing code, which in turn is tested and/or frequently executed in production. We implemented and evaluated Productive Coverage for four programming languages (C++, Java, Go, and Python). The evaluation shows: (1) The developer sentiment, measured at the point of use, is strongly positive; (2) Productive Coverage meaningfully increases code coverage above a strong baseline; (3) Productive Coverage has no negative effect on code authoring efficiency; (4) Productive Coverage modestly improves code-review effiency; (5) Productive Coverage directly improves code quality and prevents bugs from being introduced, in addition to improving test quality View details
    Experiencing InstructPipe: Building Multi-modal AI Pipelines via Prompting LLMs and Visual Programming
    Zhongyi Zhou
    Jing Jin
    Xiuxiu Yuan
    Jun Jiang
    Jingtao Zhou
    Yiyi Huang
    Kristen Wright
    Jason Mayes
    Mark Sherwood
    Ram Iyengar
    Na Li
    Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 5
    Preview abstract Foundational multi-modal models have democratized AI access, yet the construction of complex, customizable machine learning pipelines by novice users remains a grand challenge. This paper demonstrates a visual programming system that allows novices to rapidly prototype multimodal AI pipelines. We first conducted a formative study with 58 contributors and collected 236 proposals of multimodal AI pipelines that served various practical needs. We then distilled our findings into a design matrix of primitive nodes for prototyping multimodal AI visual programming pipelines, and implemented a system with 65 nodes. To support users' rapid prototyping experience, we built InstructPipe, an AI assistant based on large language models (LLMs) that allows users to generate a pipeline by writing text-based instructions. We believe InstructPipe enhances novice users onboarding experience of visual programming and the controllability of LLMs by offering non-experts a platform to easily update the generation. View details
    Preview abstract Advances in machine learning for health care have brought concerns about bias from the research community; specifically, the introduction, perpetuation, or exacerbation of care disparities. Reinforcing these concerns is the finding that medical images often reveal signals about sensitive attributes in ways that are hard to pinpoint by both algorithms and people. This finding raises a question about how to best design general purpose pretrained embeddings (GPPEs, defined as embeddings meant to support a broad array of use cases) for building downstream models that are free from particular types of bias. The downstream model should be carefully evaluated for bias, and audited and improved as appropriate. However, in our view, well intentioned attempts to prevent the upstream components—GPPEs—from learning sensitive attributes can have unintended consequences on the downstream models. Despite producing a veneer of technical neutrality, the resultant end-to-end system might still be biased or poorly performing. We present reasons, by building on previously published data, to support the reasoning that GPPEs should ideally contain as much information as the original data contain, and highlight the perils of trying to remove sensitive attributes from a GPPE. We also emphasise that downstream prediction models trained for specific tasks and settings, whether developed using GPPEs or not, should be carefully designed and evaluated to avoid bias that makes models vulnerable to issues such as distributional shift. These evaluations should be done by a diverse team, including social scientists, on a diverse cohort representing the full breadth of the patient population for which the final model is intended. View details
    Preview abstract We present PhoMoH, a neural network methodology to construct generative models of photo-realistic 3D geometry and appearance of human heads including hair, beards, an oral cavity, and clothing. In contrast to prior work, PhoMoH models the human head using neural fields, thus supporting complex topology. Instead of learning a head model from scratch, we propose to augment an existing expressive head model with new features. Concretely, we learn a highly detailed geometry network layered on top of a mid-resolution head model together with a detailed, local geometry-aware, and disentangled color field. Our proposed architecture allows us to learn photo-realistic human head models from relatively little data. The learned generative geometry and appearance networks can be sampled individually and enable the creation of diverse and realistic human heads. Extensive experiments validate our method qualitatively and across different metrics. View details
    SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
    Shannon Bales
    Matthew Brown
    Jean-Daniel Browne
    Brandon Dolphin
    Romit Kudtarkar
    Andrey Litvinov
    Jingchi Ma
    John Morcos
    Michael Shen
    David Wilhite
    Xi Wu
    Lulan Yu
    Proc. VLDB Endow. (2024), pp. 4051-4063 (to appear)
    Preview abstract SQL has been extremely successful as the de facto standard language for working with data. Virtually all mainstream database-like systems use SQL as their primary query language. But SQL is an old language with significant design problems, making it difficult to learn, difficult to use, and difficult to extend. Many have observed these challenges with SQL, and proposed solutions involving new languages. New language adoption is a significant obstacle for users, and none of the potential replacements have been successful enough to displace SQL. In GoogleSQL, we’ve taken a different approach - solving SQL’s problems by extending SQL. Inspired by a pattern that works well in other modern data languages, we added piped data flow syntax to SQL. The results are transformative - SQL becomes a flexible language that’s easier to learn, use and extend, while still leveraging the existing SQL ecosystem and existing userbase. Improving SQL from within allows incrementally adopting new features, without migrations and without learning a new language, making this a more productive approach to improve on standard SQL. View details
    Generalizing Tree-Level Sap Flow Across the European Continent
    Ralf Loritz
    Chen Huan Wu
    Daniel Klotz
    Martin Gauch
    Frederik Kratzert
    Maoya Bassiouni
    Geophysical Research Letters (2024)
    Preview abstract Sap flow offers key insights about transpiration dynamics and forest-climate interactions. Accurately simulating sap flow remains challenging due to measurement uncertainties and interactions between global and local environmental controls. Addressing these complexities, this study leveraged Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) with SAPFLUXNET to predict hourly tree-level sap flow across Europe. We built models with diverse training sets to assess performance under previously unseen conditions. The average Kling-Gupta Efficiency was 0.77 for models trained on 50% of time series across all forest stands, and 0.52 for models trained on 50% of the forest stands. Continental models not only matched but surpassed the performance of specialized and baselines for all genera and forest types, showcasing the capacity of LSTMs to effectively generalize across tree genera, climates, and forest ecosystems given minimal inputs. This study underscores the potential of LSTMs in generalizing state-dependent ecohydrological processes and bridging tree level measurements to continental scales. View details
    Computational Methodologies for Understanding, Automating, and Evaluating User Interfaces
    Yuwen Lu
    Yue Jiang
    Christof Lutteroth
    Toby Jia-Jun Li
    Jeffery Nichols
    Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
    Preview abstract Building on the success of the first two workshops on user interfaces (UIs) at CHI 2022 and CHI 2023, this workshop aims to advance the research field by further exploring current research trends, such as applying large language models and visual language models. Previous work has explored computational approaches to understanding and adapting UIs using constraint-based optimization models and machine learning-based data-driven approaches. In addition to further delving into these established UI research areas, we aim to trigger the exploration into the application of the latest advancements in general-purpose large language and vision-language models within the UI domain. We will encourage participants to explore novel methods for understanding, automating, and evaluating UIs. The proposed workshop seeks to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners interested in computational approaches for UIs to discuss the needs and opportunities for future user interface algorithms, models, and applications. View details
    Preview abstract WindowMirror is a framework for using XR headsets in productivity scenarios. The toolkit provides users with a simulated, extended screen real-estate. It allows users to interact with multiple desktop applications in real-time within a XR environment. Our architecture has two main modules: one a Unity package and a Python backend, which makes it easy to use and extend. WindowMirror supports traditional desktop interaction methods such as mouse, keyboard, and hand tracking. Furthermore, it features a Cylindrical Window Layout, an emerging design pattern which is particularly effective for single-user, egocentric perspectives. The introduction of WindowMirror aims to set a foundation for future research in XR screen-focused productivity scenarios. View details
    LLM Comparator: Visual Analytics for Side-by-Side Evaluation of Large Language Models
    Michael Xieyang Liu
    Krystal Kallarackal
    Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM (2024)
    Preview abstract Automatic side-by-side evaluation has emerged as a promising approach to evaluating the quality of responses from large language models (LLMs). However, analyzing the results from this evaluation approach raises scalability and interpretability challenges. In this paper, we present LLM Comparator, a novel visual analytics tool for interactively analyzing results from automatic side-by-side evaluation. The tool supports interactive workflows for users to understand when and why a model performs better or worse than a baseline model, and how the responses from two models are qualitatively different. We iteratively designed and developed the tool by closely working with researchers and engineers at Google. This paper details the user challenges we identified, the design and development of the tool, and an observational study with participants who regularly evaluate their models. View details
    Load is not what you should balance: Introducing Prequal
    Bartek Wydrowski
    Bobby Kleinberg
    Steve Rumble
    Preview abstract We present Prequal (\emph{Probing to Reduce Queuing and Latency}), a load balancer for distributed multi-tenant systems. Prequal aims to minimize real-time request latency in the presence of heterogeneous server capacities and non-uniform, time-varying antagonist load. It actively probes server load to leverage the \emph{power of $d$ choices} paradigm, extending it with asynchronous and reusable probes. Cutting against received wisdom, Prequal does not balance CPU load, but instead selects servers according to estimated latency and active requests-in-flight (RIF). We explore its major design features on a testbed system and evaluate it on YouTube, where it has been deployed for more than two years. Prequal has dramatically decreased tail latency, error rates, and resource use, enabling YouTube and other production systems at Google to run at much higher utilization. View details
    LFM-3D: Learnable Feature Matching Across Wide Baselines Using 3D Signals
    Arjun Karpur
    Guilherme Perrotta
    Ricardo Martin-Brualla
    Proc. 3DV'24 (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Finding localized correspondences across different images of the same object is crucial to understand its geometry. In recent years, this problem has seen remarkable progress with the advent of deep learning-based local image features and learnable matchers. Still, learnable matchers often underperform when there exists only small regions of co-visibility between image pairs (i.e. wide camera baselines). To address this problem, we leverage recent progress in coarse single-view geometry estimation methods. We propose LFM-3D, a Learnable Feature Matching framework that uses models based on graph neural networks and enhances their capabilities by integrating noisy, estimated 3D signals to boost correspondence estimation. When integrating 3D signals into the matcher model, we show that a suitable positional encoding is critical to effectively make use of the low-dimensional 3D information. We experiment with two different 3D signals - normalized object coordinates and monocular depth estimates - and evaluate our method on large-scale (synthetic and real) datasets containing object-centric image pairs across wide baselines. We observe strong feature matching improvements compared to 2D-only methods, with up to +6% total recall and +28% precision at fixed recall. Additionally, we demonstrate that the resulting improved correspondences lead to much higher relative posing accuracy for in-the-wild image pairs - up to 8.6% compared to the 2D-only approach. View details
    Preview abstract This is an invited OFC 2024 conference workshop talk regarding a new type of lower-power datacenter optics design choice: linear pluggable optics. In this talk I will discuss the fundamental performance constraints facing linear pluggable optics and their implications on DCN and ML use cases View details
    Automatic Histograms: Leveraging Language Models for Text Dataset Exploration
    Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM, Honolulu, HI, USA (2024), pp. 9
    Preview abstract Making sense of unstructured text datasets is perennially difficult, yet increasingly relevant with Large Language Models. Data practitioners often rely on dataset summaries, especially distributions of various derived features. Some features, like toxicity or topics, are relevant to many datasets, but many interesting features are domain specific, e.g., instruments and genres for a music dataset, or diseases and symptoms for a medical dataset. Accordingly, data practitioners often run custom analyses for each dataset, which is cumbersome and difficult, or use unsupervised methods. We present AutoHistograms, a visualization tool leveraging LLMs. AutoHistograms automatically identifies relevant entity-based features, visualizes their distributions, and allows the user to interactively query the dataset for new categories of entities. In a user study with (n=10) data practitioners, we observe that participants were able to quickly onboard to AutoHistograms, use the tool to identify actionable insights, and conceptualize a broad range of applicable use cases. We also describe a variety of usage scenarios from different types of users to highlight how this app can provide value in many different contexts. Finally, we present a quantitative evaluation of the tool. Together, this tool and user study contribute to the growing field of LLM-assisted sensemaking tools. View details
    Preview abstract We present an approach to modeling an image-space prior on scene motion. Our prior is learned from a collection of motion trajectories extracted from real video sequences depicting natural, oscillatory dynamics such as trees, flowers, candles, and clothes swaying in the wind. We model this dense, long-term motion prior in the Fourier domain:given a single image, our trained model uses a frequency-coordinated diffusion sampling process to predict a spectral volume, which can be converted into a motion texture that spans an entire video. Along with an image-based rendering module, these trajectories can be used for a number of downstream applications, such as turning still images into seamlessly looping videos, or allowing users to realistically interact with objects in real pictures by interpreting the spectral volumes as image-space modal bases, which approximate object dynamics. View details
    Preview abstract With the increase in the number of privacy regulations, small development teams are forced to make privacy decisions on their own. In this paper, we conduct a mixed-method survey study, including statistical and qualitative analysis, to evaluate the privacy perceptions, practices, and knowledge of members involved in various phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Our survey includes 362 participants from 23 countries, encompassing roles such as product managers, developers, and testers. Our results show diverse definitions of privacy across SDLC roles, emphasizing the need for a holistic privacy approach throughout SDLC. We find that software teams, regardless of their region, are less familiar with privacy concepts (such as anonymization), relying on self-teaching and forums. Most participants are more familiar with GDPR and HIPAA than other regulations, with multi-jurisdictional compliance being their primary concern. Our results advocate the need for role-dependent solutions to address the privacy challenges, and we highlight research directions and educational takeaways to help improve privacy-aware SDLC. View details