Vidhya Navalpakkam

Vidhya Navalpakkam

I am currently a Principal Scientist at Google Research. I lead an interdisciplinary team at the intersection of Machine learning, Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and Vision. My interests are in modeling user attention and behavior across multimodal interfaces, for improved usability and accessibility of Google products. I am also interested in applications of attention for healthcare (e.g., smartphone-based screening for health conditions).
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    Rich Human Feedback for Text to Image Generation
    Katherine Collins
    Nicholas Carolan
    Yang Li
    Youwei Liang
    Peizhao Li
    Dj Dvijotham
    Junfeng He
    Sarah Young
    Jiao Sun
    Arseniy Klimovskiy
    Preview abstract Recent Text-to-Image (T2I) generation models such as Stable Diffusion and Imagen have made significant progress in generating high-resolution images based on text descriptions. However, many generated images still suffer from issues such as artifacts/implausibility, misalignment with text descriptions, and low aesthetic quality. Inspired by the success of Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) for large language models, prior work collected human-provided scores as feedback on generated images and trained a reward model to improve the T2I generation. In this paper, we enrich the feedback signal by (i) marking image regions that are implausible or misaligned with the text, and (ii) annotating which keywords in the text prompt are not represented in the image. We collect such rich human feedback on 18K generated images and train a multimodal transformer to predict these rich feedback automatically. We show that the predicted rich human feedback can be leveraged to improve image generation, for example, by selecting high-quality training data to finetune and improve the generative models, or by creating masks with predicted heatmaps to inpaint the problematic regions. Notably, the improvements generalize to models (Muse) beyond those used to generate the images on which human feedback data were collected (Stable Diffusion variants). View details
    Digital biomarker of mental fatigue
    Vincent Wen-Sheng Tseng
    Venky Ramachandran
    Tanzeem Choudhury
    npj Digital Medicine, 4(2021), pp. 1-5
    Preview abstract Mental fatigue is an important aspect of alertness and wellbeing. Existing fatigue tests are subjective and/or time-consuming. Here, we show that smartphone-based gaze is significantly impaired with mental fatigue, and tracks the onset and progression of fatigue. A simple model predicts mental fatigue reliably using just a few minutes of gaze data. These results suggest that smartphone-based gaze could provide a scalable, digital biomarker of mental fatigue. View details
    Accelerating eye movement research via accurate and affordable smartphone eye tracking
    Na Dai
    Ethan Steinberg
    Junfeng He
    Kantwon Rogers
    Venky Ramachandran
    Mina Shojaeizadeh
    Li Guo
    Nature Communications, 11(2020)
    Preview abstract Eye tracking has been widely used for decades in vision research, language and usability. However, most prior research has focused on large desktop displays using specialized eye trackers that are expensive and cannot scale. Little is known about eye movement behavior on phones, despite their pervasiveness and large amount of time spent. We leverage machine learning to demonstrate accurate smartphone-based eye tracking without any additional hardware. We show that the accuracy of our method is comparable to state-of-the-art mobile eye trackers that are 100x more expensive. Using data from over 100 opted-in users, we replicate key findings from previous eye movement research on oculomotor tasks and saliency analyses during natural image viewing. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of smartphone-based gaze for detecting reading comprehension difficulty. Our results show the potential for scaling eye movement research by orders-of-magnitude to thousands of participants (with explicit consent), enabling advances in vision research, accessibility and healthcare. View details
    Preview abstract Recent research has demonstrated the ability to estimate user’s gaze on mobile devices, by performing inference from an image captured with the phone’s front-facing camera, and without requiring specialized hardware. Gaze estimation accuracy is known to improve with additional calibration data from the user. However, most existing methods require either significant number of calibration points or computationally intensive model fine-tuning that is practically infeasible on a mobile device. In this paper, we overcome limitations of prior work by proposing a novel few-shot personalization approach for 2D gaze estimation. Compared to the best calibration-free model [11], the proposed method yields substantial improvements in gaze prediction accuracy (24%) using only 3 calibration points in contrast to previous personalized models that offer less improvement while requiring more calibration points. The proposed model requires 20x fewer FLOPS than the state-of-the-art personalized model [11] and can be run entirely on-device and in real-time, thereby unlocking a variety of important applications like accessibility, gaming and human-computer interaction. View details
    Towards better measurement of attention and satisfaction in mobile search
    Dmitry Lagun
    Chih-Hung Hsieh
    SIGIR '14 Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research & development in information retrieval(2014), pp. 113-122
    Preview abstract Web Search has seen two big changes recently: rapid growth in mobile search traffic, and an increasing trend towards providing answer-like results for relatively simple information needs (e.g., [weather today]). Such results display the answer or relevant information on the search page itself without requiring a user to click. While clicks on organic search results have been used extensively to infer result relevance and search satisfaction, clicks on answer-like results are often rare (or meaningless), making it challenging to evaluate answer quality. Together, these call for better measurement and understanding of search satisfaction on mobile devices. In this paper, we studied whether tracking the browser viewport (visible portion of a web page) on mobile phones could enable accurate measurement of user attention at scale, and provide good measurement of search satisfaction in the absence of clicks. Focusing on answer-like results in web search, we designed a lab study to systematically vary answer presence and relevance (to the user's information need), obtained satisfaction ratings from users, and simultaneously recorded eye gaze and viewport data as users performed search tasks. Using this ground truth, we identified increased scrolling past answer and increased time below answer as clear, measurable signals of user dissatisfaction with answers. While the viewport may contain three to four results at any given time, we found strong correlations between gaze duration and viewport duration on a per result basis, and that the average user attention is focused on the top half of the phone screen, suggesting that we may be able to scalably and reliably identify which specific result the user is looking at, from viewport data alone. View details
    Measurement and modeling of eye-mouse behavior
    LaDawn Jentzsch
    Rory Sayres
    Sujith Ravi
    Amr Ahmed
    Alex J. Smola
    Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference(2013)
    Mouse tracking: measuring and predicting users' experience of web-based content
    Elizabeth F. Churchill
    CHI(2012), pp. 2963-2972
    On saliency, affect and focused attention
    Lori McCay-Peet
    Mounia Lalmas
    CHI(2012), pp. 541-550
    Attention and Selection in Online Choice Tasks
    Ravi Kumar
    Lihong Li
    D. Sivakumar
    UMAP(2012), pp. 200-211
    Multimedia features for click prediction of new ads in display advertising
    Haibin Cheng
    Roelof van Zwol
    Javad Azimi
    Eren Manavoglu
    Ruofei Zhang
    Yang Zhou
    KDD(2012), pp. 777-785
    Behavior and neural basis of near-optimal visual search
    Wei Ji Ma
    Jeff Beck
    Ronald van den Berg
    Alex Pouget
    Nature Neuroscience, 14(2011), pp. 783-790
    Preview abstract The ability to search efficiently for a target in a cluttered environment is one of the most remarkable functions of the nervous system. This task is difficult under natural circumstances, as the reliability of sensory information can vary greatly across space and time and is typically a priori unknown to the observer. In contrast, visual-search experiments commonly use stimuli of equal and known reliability. In a target detection task, we randomly assigned high or low reliability to each item on a trial-by-trial basis. An optimal observer would weight the observations by their trial-to-trial reliability and combine them using a specific nonlinear integration rule. We found that humans were near-optimal, regardless of whether distractors were homogeneous or heterogeneous and whether reliability was manipulated through contrast or shape. We present a neural-network implementation of near-optimal visual search based on probabilistic population coding. The network matched human performance. View details
    Predicting response time and error rates in visual search
    Bo Chen
    Pietro Perona
    NIPS(2011), pp. 2699-2707
    Using gaze patterns to study and predict reading struggles due to distraction
    Justin Rao
    Malcolm Slaney
    CHI Extended Abstracts(2011), pp. 1705-1710
    Optimal reward harvesting in complex perceptual environments
    Christof Koch
    Antonio Rangel
    Pietro Perona
    Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 107(2010), 5232–5237
    Preview abstract The ability to choose rapidly among multiple targets embedded in a complex perceptual environment is key to survival. Targets may differ in their reward value as well as in their low-level perceptual properties (e.g., visual saliency). Previous studies investigated separately the impact of either value or saliency on choice; thus, it is not known how the brain combines these two variables during decision making. We addressed this question with three experiments in which human subjects attempted to maximize their monetary earnings by rapidly choosing items from a brief display. Each display contained several worthless items (distractors) as well as two targets, whose value and saliency were varied systematically. We compared the behavioral data with the predictions of three computational models assuming that (i) subjects seek the most valuable item in the display, (ii) subjects seek the most easily detectable item, and (iii) subjects behave as an ideal Bayesian observer who combines both factors to maximize the expected reward within each trial. Regardless of the type of motor response used to express the choices, we find that decisions are influenced by both value and feature-contrast in a way that is consistent with the ideal Bayesian observer, even when the targets’ feature-contrast is varied unpredictably between trials. This suggests that individuals are able to harvest rewards optimally and dynamically under time pressure while seeking multiple targets embedded in perceptual clutter. View details
    Homo economicus in visual search
    Christof Koch
    Pietro Perona
    Journal of Vision, 9(2009)
    Preview abstract How do reward outcomes affect early visual performance? Previous studies found a suboptimal influence, but they ignored the non-linearity in how subjects perceived the reward outcomes. In contrast, we find that when the non-linearity is accounted for, humans behave optimally and maximize expected reward. Our subjects were asked to detect the presence of a familiar target object in a cluttered scene. They were rewarded according to their performance. We systematically varied the target frequency and the reward/penalty policy for detecting/missing the targets. We find that 1) decreasing the target frequency will decrease the detection rates, in accordance with the literature. 2) Contrary to previous studies, increasing the target detection rewards will compensate for target rarity and restore detection performance. 3) A quantitative model based on reward maximization accurately predicts human detection behavior in all target frequency and reward conditions; thus, reward schemes can be designed to obtain desired detection rates for rare targets. 4) Subjects quickly learn the optimal decision strategy; we propose a neurally plausible model that exhibits the same properties. Potential applications include designing reward schemes to improve detection of life-critical, rare targets (e.g., cancers in medical images). View details
    Search goal tunes visual features optimally
    Laurent Itti
    Neuron, 53(2007), pp. 605-617
    Preview abstract How does a visual search goal modulate the activity of neurons encoding different visual features (e.g., color, direction of motion)? Previous research suggests that goal-driven attention enhances the gain of neurons representing the target's visual features. Here, we present mathematical and behavioral evidence that this strategy is suboptimal and that humans do not deploy it. We formally derive the optimal feature gain modulation theory, which combines information from both the target and distracting clutter to maximize the relative salience of the target. We qualitatively validate the theory against existing electrophysiological and psychophysical literature. A surprising prediction is that it is sometimes optimal to enhance nontarget features. We provide experimental evidence toward this through psychophysics experiments on human subjects, thus suggesting that humans deploy the optimal gain modulation strategy. View details
    An Integrated Model of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention for Optimizing Detection Speed
    Laurent Itti
    CVPR (2)(2006), pp. 2049-2056
    Optimal cue selection strategy
    Laurent Itti
    A Goal Oriented Attention Guidance Model
    Laurent Itti
    Biologically Motivated Computer Vision(2002), pp. 453-461