Pop Goes The Cell Phone: Asynchronous Messaging For Preschoolers.

Rafael Ballagas
Glenda Revelle
Koichi Mori
ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, ACM(2011)


This paper outlines a series of experiments to develop asynchronous messaging systems for preschool aged children. Three unique systems build on a foundational design called Toaster, a jack-in-the box toy with embedded mobile phone that allows children to playfully take and share electronic media. Orange Toaster allows children to create and share self-portraits; Family Toast allows children to browse family photos with physical tokens, and shares their self-portrait reactions with remote family members; Play with Elmo allows children and distant adults to asynchronously share playful video messages. Observations with over 30 children suggest that asynchronous photographic or video messaging with very young children is possible. The results of these studies indicate specific guidelines including (1) children's UI's need to be playful and immediate (2) UI designs for children should create the “here and now” feel of real-time interaction, and (3) adults' UI's must provide emotionally meaningful feedback from children to engage adult users.

Research Areas