Yue Chen

Yue Chen

Dr. Yue Chen is with video compression team at Google. She is an active contributor to open-source video coding technology, including AV1 and VP9. Prior to joining Google, she received the B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2011, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of California Santa Barbara in 2013 and 2016, respectively. She holds many patents in the field of video compression. Her research interests include video/image compression and processing.
Authored Publications
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    Adrian Grange
    Andrey Norkin
    Ching-Han Chiang
    Hui Su
    Jean-Marc Valin
    Luc Trudeau
    Nathan Egge
    Paul Wilkins
    Peter de Rivaz
    Sarah Parker
    Steinar Midtskogen
    Thomas Davies
    Zoe Liu
    The Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) (2018)
    Preview abstract AV1 is an emerging open-source and royalty-free video compression format, which is jointly developed and finalized in early 2018 by the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) industry consortium. The main goal of AV1 development is to achieve substantial compression gain over state-of-the-art codecs while maintaining practical decoding complexity and hardware feasibility. This paper provides a brief technical overview of key coding techniques in AV1 along with preliminary compression performance comparison against VP9 and HEVC. View details
    Novel inter and intra prediction tools under consideration for the emerging AV1 video codec
    Sarah Parker
    Hui Su
    Angie Chiang
    Zoe Liu
    Chen Wang
    Emil Keyder
    SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 10396 (2017), 10396 - 10396 - 13
    Preview abstract Google started the WebM Project in 2010 to develop open source, royalty-free video codecs designed specifically for media on the Web. The second generation codec released by the WebM project, VP9, is currently served by YouTube, and enjoys billions of views per day. Realizing the need for even greater compression efficiency to cope with the growing demand for video on the web, the WebM team embarked on an ambitious project to develop a next edition codec AV1, in a consortium of major tech companies called the Alliance for Open Media, that achieves at least a generational improvement in coding efficiency over VP9. In this paper, we focus primarily on new tools in AV1 that improve the prediction of pixel blocks before transforms, quantization and entropy coding are invoked. Specifically, we describe tools and coding modes that improve intra, inter and combined inter-intra prediction. Results are presented on standard test sets. View details