Stéphane Lafon

Stéphane Lafon

Authored Publications
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    Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level
    Dragomir Anguelov
    Carole Dulong
    Daniel Filip
    Christian Frueh
    Abhijit Ogale
    Luc Vincent
    Josh Weaver
    Computer, 43(2010)
    Preview abstract Street View serves millions of Google users daily with panoramic imagery captured in hundreds of cities in 20 countries across four continents. A team of Google researchers describes the technical challenges involved in capturing, processing, and serving street-level imagery on a global scale. View details
    Data Fusion and Multicue Data Matching by Diffusion Maps
    Yosi Keller
    Ronald R. Coifman
    IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 28(2006), pp. 1784-1797