Fernando V. Bonassi

Fernando V. Bonassi

Fernando V. Bonassi graduated with his PhD in Statistics from Duke University in 2013. He also holds BS and MS degrees in Statistics from the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). He joined Google in 2013, where he works as quantitative analyst. His major research interests include Bayesian computation, dynamic modeling, decision analysis, among other topics.
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    Bayes and Big Data: The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm
    Steven L. Scott
    Alexander W. Blocker
    Hugh A. Chipman
    Edward I. George
    Robert E. McCulloch
    International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 11(2016), pp. 78-88
    Preview abstract A useful definition of ``big data'' is data that is too big to comfortably process on a single machine, either because of processor, memory, or disk bottlenecks. Graphics processing units can alleviate the processor bottleneck, but memory or disk bottlenecks can only be eliminated by splitting data across multiple machines. Communication between large numbers of machines is expensive (regardless of the amount of data being communicated), so there is a need for algorithms that perform distributed approximate Bayesian analyses with minimal communication. Consensus Monte Carlo operates by running a separate Monte Carlo algorithm on each machine, and then averaging individual Monte Carlo draws across machines. Depending on the model, the resulting draws can be nearly indistinguishable from the draws that would have been obtained by running a single machine algorithm for a very long time. Examples of consensus Monte Carlo are shown for simple models where single-machine solutions are available, for large single-layer hierarchical models, and for Bayesian additive regression trees (BART). View details
    Sequential Monte Carlo with Adaptive Weights for Approximate Bayesian Computation
    Mike West
    Bayesian Analysis, 10, Number 1(2015), pp. 171-187
    Preview abstract Methods of approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) are increasingly used for analysis of complex models. A major challenge for ABC is over-coming the often inherent problem of high rejection rates in the accept/reject methods based on prior:predictive sampling. A number of recent developments aim to address this with extensions based on sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) strategies. We build on this here, introducing an ABC SMC method that uses data-based adaptive weights. This easily implemented and computationally trivial extension of ABC SMC can very substantially improve acceptance rates, as is demonstrated in a series of examples with simulated and real data sets, including a currently topical example from dynamic modelling in systems biology applications. View details
    Exchangeability and the law of maturity
    Rafael B. Stern
    Claudia M. Peixoto
    Sergio Wechsler
    Theory and Decision(2014), pp. 1-13
    Preview abstract The law of maturity is the belief that less-observed events are becoming mature and, therefore, more likely to occur in the future. Previous studies have shown that the assumption of infinite exchangeability contradicts the law of maturity. In particular, it has been shown that infinite exchangeability contradicts probabilistic descriptions of the law of maturity such as the gambler’s belief and the belief in maturity. We show that the weaker assumption of finite exchangeability is compatible with both the gambler’s belief and belief in maturity. We provide sufficient conditions under which these beliefs hold under finite exchangeability. These conditions are illustrated with commonly used parametric models. View details
    Bayesian Learning from Marginal Data in Bionetwork Models
    Lingchong You
    Mike West
    Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 10(2011)
    In Defense of Randomization: a Subjectivist Bayesian Approach
    Raphael Nishimura
    Rafael Bassi Stern
    AIP Conference Proceedings(2009), pp. 32-39
    Preview abstract In research situations usually approached by Decision Theory, it is only considered one researcher who collects a sample and makes a decision based on it. It can be shown that randomization of the sample does not improve the utility of the obtained results. Nevertheless, we present situations in which this approach is not satisfactory. First, we present a case in which randomization can be an important tool in order to achieve agreement between people with different opinions. Next, we present another situation in which there are two agents: the researcher—a person who collects the sample; and the decision‐maker—a person who makes decisions based on the sample collected. We show that problems emerge when the decision‐maker allows the researcher to arbitrarily choose a sample. We also show that the decision‐maker maximizes his expected utility requiring that the sample is collected randomly. View details