To prune, or not to prune: exploring the efficacy of pruning for model compression

Michael Zhu
Suyog Gupta


Model pruning seeks to induce sparsity into the deep network's various connection matrices, thereby reducing the number of nonzero-valued parameters in the model. Recent reports Han et al. (2015) Narang, et al. (2017) prune deep networks at the cost of only a marginal loss in accuracy and achieve a sizable reduction in model size. This hints at the possibility that the baseline models in these experiments are perhaps severely over-parameterized at the outset and a viable alternative for model compression might be to simply reduce the number of hidden units while maintaining the model's dense connection structure, exposing a similar trade-off in model size and accuracy. We investigate these two distinct paths for model compression within the context of energy-efficient inference in resource-constrained environments and propose a new gradual pruning technique that is simple and straightforward to apply across a variety of models/datasets with minimal tuning. We compare the accuracy of large, but pruned models (large-sparse) and their smaller, but dense (small-dense) counterparts with identical memory footprint. Across a broad range of neural network architectures (deep CNNs, stacked LSTM, and seq2seq LSTM models), we find large-sparse models to consistently outperform small-dense models and achieve up to 10x reduction in number of non-zero parameters with minimal loss in accuracy.

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