SpecGrad: Diffusion Probabilistic Model based Neural Vocoder with Adaptive Noise Spectral Shaping
Neural vocoder using denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) has been improved by adaptation of the diffusion noise distribution to given acoustic features. In this study, we propose SpecGrad that adapts the diffusion noise so that its time-varying spectral envelope becomes close to the conditioning log-mel spectrogram. This adaptation by time-varying filtering improves the sound quality especially in the high-frequency bands. It is processed in the time-frequency domain to keep the computational cost almost the same as the conventional DDPM-based neural vocoders. Experimental results showed that SpecGrad generates higher-fidelity speech waveform than conventional DDPM-based neural vocoders in both analysis-synthesis and speech enhancement scenarios. Audio demos are available at [wavegrad.github.io/specgrad/].