Representing Rhythmic Patterns in a Network of Oscillators

M. Gasser
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey (1996), pp. 361-366


This paper describes an evolving computational model of the perception and pro-duction of simple rhythmic patterns. The model consists of a network of oscillators of different resting frequencies which couple with input patterns and with each other. Os-cillators whose frequencies match periodicities in the input tend to become activated. Metrical structure is represented explicitly in the network in the form of clusters of os-cillators whose frequencies and phase angles are constrained to maintain the harmonic relationships that characterize meter. Rests in rhythmic patterns are represented by ex-plicit rest oscillators in the network, which become activated when an expected beat in the pattern fails to appear. The model makes predictions about the relative difficulty of patterns and the effect of deviations from periodicity in the input.