Quantum Simulation of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model by Asymmetric Qubitization

Dominic W. Berry
Physical Review A Rapid Communication, 99(2019), 040301(R)


We show that one can quantum simulate the dynamics of a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with $N$ Majorana modes for time $t$ to precision $\epsilon$ with gate complexity ${\cal O}(N^{7/2} t + N^{5/2} \log(1 / \epsilon) / \log\log(1/\epsilon))$. In addition to scaling sublinearly in the number of Hamiltonian terms, this gate complexity represents an exponential improvement in $1/\epsilon$ and large polynomial improvement in $N$ and $t$ over prior state-of-the-art algorithms which scale as ${\cal O}(N^{10} t^2 / \epsilon)$. Our approach involves a variant of the qubitization technique in which we encode the Hamiltonian $H$ as an asymmetric projection of a signal oracle $U$ onto two different signal states prepared by distinct state oracles, $A\ket{0} \mapsto \ket{A}$ and $B\ket{0} \mapsto \ket{B}$, such that $H = \bra{B} U \ket{A}$. Our strategy for applying this method to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model involves realizing $B$ using only Hadamard gates and realizing $A$ as a random quantum circuit.