Hardness Results for Optimal Homology Bases

Chao Chen
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 45(3)(2011), 425–448


In this paper, we address the problem of localizing homology classes, namely, finding the cycle representing a given class with the most concise geometric measure. We study the problem with different measures: volume, diameter and radius. For volume, that is, the 1-norm of a cycle, we prove the problem is NP-hard to approximate within any constant factor. We also prove that for homology of 2-dimension or higher, the problem is NP-hard to approximate even when the Betti number is O(1). A side effect is the inapproximability proof of the problem of computing the nonbounding cycle with the smallest volume, and computing cycles representing a homology basis with the minimal total volume. As for the other two measures defined by pairwise geodesic distance, we show that the localization problem is NP-hard for diameter, but is polynomial for radius.

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