Pascal Lamblin

Pascal Lamblin

Pascal Lamblin is a software developer working with research teams in Google Brain. After completing an engineering degree at École Centrale Paris, he has done research under the supervision of Yoshua Bengio at Université de Montréal, where he also worked on the development of Theano. He is working mainly on few-shot learning, and is also interested in automatic differentiation and program transformations.

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    Resolving Code Review Comments with Machine Learning
    Alexander Frömmgen
    Peter Choy
    Elena Khrapko
    Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
    Marcus Revaj
    2024 IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Code reviews are a critical part of the software development process, taking a significant amount of the code authors’ and the code reviewers’ time. As part of this process, the reviewer inspects the proposed code and asks the author for code changes through comments written in natural language. At Google, we see millions of reviewer comments per year, and authors require an average of ∼60 minutes active shepherding time between sending changes for review and finally submitting the change. In our measurements, the required active work time that the code author must devote to address reviewer comments grows almost linearly with the number of comments. However, with machine learning (ML), we have an opportunity to automate and streamline the code-review process, e.g., by proposing code changes based on a comment’s text. We describe our application of recent advances in large sequence models in a real-world setting to automatically resolve code-review comments in the day-to-day development workflow at Google. We present the evolution of this feature from an asynchronous generation of suggested edits after the reviewer sends feedback, to an interactive experience that suggests code edits to the reviewer at review time. In deployment, code-change authors at Google address 7.5% of all reviewer comments by applying an ML-suggested edit. The impact of this will be to reduce the time spent on code reviews by hundreds of thousands of engineer hours annually at Google scale. Unsolicited, very positive feedback highlights that the impact of ML-suggested code edits increases Googlers’ productivity and allows them to focus on more creative and complex tasks. View details
    PLUR: A Unifying, Graph-Based View of Program Learning, Understanding, and Repair
    Zimin Chen
    Vincent J Hellendoorn
    Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
    Subhodeep Moitra
    Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)(2021)
    Preview abstract Machine learning for understanding and editing source code has recently attracted significant interest, with many developments in new models, new code representations, and new tasks. This proliferation can appear disparate and disconnected, making each approach seemingly unique and incompatible, thus obscuring the core machine learning challenges and contributions. In this work, we demonstrate that the landscape can be significantly simplified by taking a general approach of mapping a graph to a sequence of tokens and pointers. Our main result is to show that 16 recently published tasks of different shapes can be cast in this form, based on which a single model architecture achieves near or above state-of-the-art results on nearly all tasks, outperforming custom models like code2seq and alternative generic models like Transformers. This unification further enables multi-task learning and a series of cross-cutting experiments about the importance of different modeling choices for code understanding and repair tasks. The full framework, called PLUR, is easily extensible to more tasks, and will be open-sourced (link). View details
    Meta-Dataset: A Dataset of Datasets for Learning to Learn from Few Examples
    Eleni Triantafillou
    Vincent Dumoulin
    Kelvin Xu
    Carles Gelada
    Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
    International Conference on Learning Representations (submission)(2020)
    Preview abstract Few-shot classification refers to learning a classifier for new classes given only a few examples. While a plethora of models have emerged to tackle this recently, we find the current procedure and datasets that are used to systematically assess progress in this setting lacking. To address this, we propose META-DATASET: a new benchmark for training and evaluating few-shot classifiers that is large-scale, consists of multiple datasets, and presents more natural and realistic tasks. The aim is to measure the ability of state-of the-art models to leverage diverse sources of data to achieve higher generalization, and to evaluate that generalization ability in a more challenging setting. We additionally measure robustness of current methods to variations in the number of available examples and the number of classes. Finally our extensive empirical evaluation leads us to identify weaknesses in Prototypical Networks and MAML, two popular few-shot classification methods, and to propose a new method, ProtoMAML, which achieves improved performance on our benchmark. View details
    Automatic differentiation in ML: Where we are and where we should be going
    Bart van Merriënboer
    Olivier Breuleux
    Arnaud Bergeron
    NeurIPS (Spotlight)(2018)
    Preview abstract We review the current state of automatic differentiation (AD) for array programming in machine learning (ML), including the different approaches such as operator overloading (OO) and source transformation (ST) used for AD, graph-based intermediate representations for programs, and source languages. Based on these insights, we introduce a new graph-based intermediate representation (IR) which specifically aims to efficiently support fully-general AD for array programming. Unlike existing dataflow programming representations in ML frameworks, our IR naturally supports function calls, higher-order functions and recursion, making ML models easier to implement. The ability to represent closures allows us to perform AD using ST without a tape, making the resulting derivative (adjoint) program amenable to ahead-of-time optimization using tools from functional language compilers, and enabling higher-order derivatives. Lastly, we introduce a proof of concept compiler toolchain called Myia which uses a subset of Python as a front end. View details
    EmoNets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video
    Samira Ebrahimi Kahou
    Xavier Bouthillier
    Caglar Gulcehre
    Vincent Michalski
    Kishore Konda
    Sébastien Jean
    Pierre Froumenty
    Yann Dauphin
    Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
    Raul Chandias Ferrari
    Mehdi Mirza
    David Warde-Farley
    Aaron Courville
    Pascal Vincent
    Roland Memisevic
    Christopher Pal
    Yoshua Bengio
    Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 10(2016), 99–111
    Preview abstract The task of the Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) Challenge is to assign one of seven emotions to short video clips extracted from Hollywood style movies. The videos depict acted-out emotions under realistic conditions with a large degree of variation in attributes such as pose and illumination, making it worthwhile to explore approaches which consider combinations of features from multiple modalities for label assignment. In this paper we present our approach to learning several specialist models using deep learning techniques, each focusing on one modality. Among these are a convolutional neural network, focusing on capturing visual information in detected faces, a deep belief net focusing on the representation of the audio stream, a K-Means based “bag-of-mouths” model, which extracts visual features around the mouth region and a relational autoencoder, which addresses spatio-temporal aspects of video. View details
    Exploring strategies for training deep neural networks
    Yoshua Bengio
    Jérôme Louradour
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 1(2009)
    Greedy layer-wise training of deep networks
    Yoshua Bengio
    Dan Popovici
    Advances in neural information processing systems 19(2007)