Nina Taft

Nina Taft

Nina Taft is a Senior Staff Research Scientist at Google where she leads the Applied Privacy Research group. Prior to joining Google, Nina worked at Technicolor Research, Intel Labs Berkeley, Sprint Labs and SRI. She received her PhD from UC Berkeley. Over the years, she has worked in the fields of networking protocols, network traffic matrix estimation, Internet traffic modeling and prediction, intrusion detection, recommendation systems and privacy. Her current interests like in applications of machine learning for privacy, private data analytics, and user experience. She has been the chair or co-chair of the SIGCOMM, IMC and PAM conferences. (While some papers are listed here, see Google Scholar for a complete listing.)
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    Preview abstract We present an analysis of 12 million instances of privacy-relevant reviews publicly visible on the Google Play Store that span a 10 year period. By leveraging state of the art NLP techniques, we examine what users have been writing about privacy along multiple dimensions: time, countries, app types, diverse privacy topics, and even across a spectrum of emotions. We find consistent growth of privacy-relevant reviews, and explore topics that are trending (such as Data Deletion and Data Theft), as well as those on the decline (such as privacy-relevant reviews on sensitive permissions). We find that although privacy reviews come from more than 200 countries, 33 countries provide 90% of privacy reviews. We conduct a comparison across countries by examining the distribution of privacy topics a country’s users write about, and find that geographic proximity is not a reliable indicator that nearby countries have similar privacy perspectives. We uncover some countries with unique patterns and explore those herein. Surprisingly, we uncover that it is not uncommon for reviews that discuss privacy to be positive (32%); many users express pleasure about privacy features within apps or privacy-focused apps. We also uncover some unexpected behaviors, such as the use of reviews to deliver privacy disclaimers to developers. Finally, we demonstrate the value of analyzing app reviews with our approach as a complement to existing methods for understanding users' perspectives about privacy. View details
    Balancing Privacy and Serendipity in CyberSpace
    M. Satyanarayanan
    Nigel Davies
    International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (ACM HotMobile),
    Preview abstract Unplanned encounters or casual collisions between colleagues have long been recognized as catalysts for creativity and innovation. The absence of such encounters has been a negative side effect of COVID-enforced remote work. However, there have also been positive side effects such as less time lost to commutes, lower carbon footprints, and improved work-life balance. This vision paper explores how serendipity for remote workers can be created by leveraging IoT technologies, edge computing, high-resolution video, network protocols for live interaction, and video/audio denaturing. We reflect on the privacy issues that technology-mediated serendipity raises and sketch a path towards honoring diverse privacy preferences. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper we present a methodology to analyze users’ concerns and perspectives about privacy at scale. We leverage NLP techniques to process millions of mobile app reviews and extract privacy concerns. Our methodology is composed of a binary classifier that distinguishes between privacy and non-privacy related reviews. We use clustering to gather reviews that discuss similar privacy concerns, and employ summarization metrics to extract representative reviews to summarize each cluster. We apply our methods on 287M reviews for about 2M apps across the 29 categories in Google Play to identify top privacy pain points in mobile apps. We identified approximately 440K privacy related reviews. We find that privacy related reviews occur in all 29 categories, with some issues arising across numerous app categories and other issues only surfacing in a small set of app categories. We show empirical evidence that confirms dominant privacy themes – concerns about apps requesting unnecessary permissions, collection of personal information, frustration with privacy controls, tracking and the selling of personal data. As far as we know, this is the first large scale analysis to confirm these findings based on hundreds of thousands of user inputs. We also observe some unexpected findings such as users warning each other not to install an app due to privacy issues, users uninstalling apps due to privacy reasons, as well as positive reviews that reward developers for privacy friendly apps. Finally we discuss the implications of our method and findings for developers and app stores. View details
    Preview abstract Integrating user feedback is one of the pillars for building successful products. However, this feedback is generally collected in an unstructured free-text form, which is challenging to understand at scale. This is particularly demanding in the privacy domain due to the nuances associated with the concept and the limited existing solutions. In this work, we present Hark, a system for discovering and summarizing privacy-related feedback at scale. Hark automates the entire process of summarizing privacy feedback, starting from unstructured text and resulting in a hierarchy of high-level privacy themes and fine-grained issues within each theme, along with representative reviews for each issue. At the core of Hark is a set of new deep learning models trained on different tasks, such as privacy feedback classification, privacy issues generation, and high-level theme creation. We illustrate Hark’s efficacy on a corpus of 626M Google Play reviews. Out of this corpus, our privacy feedback classifier extracts 6M privacy-related reviews (with an AUC-ROC of 0.92). With three annotation studies, we show that Hark’s generated issues are of high accuracy and coverage and that the theme titles are of high quality. We illustrate Hark’s capabilities by presenting high-level insights from 1.3M Android apps. View details
    A Large Scale Study of Users Behaviors, Expectations and Engagement with Android Permissions
    Weicheng Cao
    Chunqiu Xia
    David Lie
    Lisa Austin
    Usenix Security Symposium, Usenix,
    Preview abstract We conduct a global study on the behaviors, expectations and engagement of 1,719 participants across 10 countries and regions towards Android application permissions. Participants were recruited using mobile advertising and used an application we designed for 30 days. Our app samples user behaviors (decisions made), rationales (via in-situ surveys), expectations, and attitudes, as well as some app provided explanations. We study the grant and deny decisions our users make, and build mixed effect logistic regression models to illustrate the many factors that influence this decision making. Among several interesting findings, we observed that users facing an unexpected permission request are more than twice as likely to deny it compared to a user who expects it, and that permission requests accompanied by an explanation have a deny rate that is roughly half the deny rate of app permission requests without explanations. These findings remain true even when controlling for other factors. To the best of our knowledge, this may be the first study of actual privacy behavior (not stated behavior) for Android apps, with users using their own devices, across multiple continents. View details
    " Quiet!" Reducing the Unwanted Interruptions of Notification Permission Prompts on Chrome
    Balazs Engedy
    Jud Porter
    Kamila Hasanbega
    Andrew Paseltiner
    Hwi Lee
    Edward Jung
    PJ McLachlan
    Jason James
    30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), USENIX Association, Vancouver, B.C.(2021)
    Preview abstract Push notifications are an extremely useful feature. In web browsers, they allow users to receive timely updates even if the website is not currently open. On Chrome, the feature has become extremely popular since its inception in 2015, but it is also the least likely to be accepted by users. Our telemetry shows that, although 74% of all permission prompts are about notifications, they are also the least likely to be granted with only a 10% grant rate on desktop and 21% grant rate on Android. In order to preserve its utility for the websites and to reduce unwanted interruptions for the users, we designed and tested a new UI for notification permission prompt on Chrome. In this paper, we conduct two large-scale studies of Chrome users interactions with the notifications permission prompt in the wild, in order to understand how users interact with such prompts and to evaluate a novel design that we introduced in Chrome version 80 in February 2020. Our main goal for the redesigned UI is to reduce the unwanted interruptions due to notification permission prompts for Chrome users, the frequency at which users have to suppress them and the ease of changing a previously made choice. Our results, based on an A/B test using behavioral data from more than 40 million users who interacted with more than 100 million prompts on more than 70 thousand websites, show that the new UI is very effective at reducing the unwanted interruptions and their frequency (up to 30% fewer unnecessary actions on the prompts), with a minimal impact (less than 5%) on the grant rates, across all types of users and websites. We achieve these results thanks to a novel adaptive activation mechanism coupled with a block list of interrupting websites, which is derived from crowd-sourced telemetry from Chrome clients. View details
    Reducing Permission Requests in Mobile Apps
    Martin Pelikan
    Ulfar Erlingsson
    Giles Hogben
    Proceedings of ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)(2019)
    Preview abstract Users of mobile apps sometimes express discomfort or concerns with what they see as unnecessary or intrusive permission requests by certain apps. However encouraging mobile app developers to request fewer permissions is challenging because there are many reasons why permissions are requested; furthermore, prior work has shown it is hard to disambiguate the purpose of a particular permission with high certainty. In this work we describe a novel, algorithmic mechanism intended to discourage mobile-app developers from asking for unnecessary permissions. Developers are incentivized by an automated alert, or "nudge", shown in the Google Play Console when their apps ask for permissions that are requested by very few functionally-similar apps---in other words, by their competition. Empirically, this incentive is effective, with significant developer response since its deployment. Permissions have been redacted by 59% of apps that were warned, and this attenuation has occurred broadly across both app categories and app popularity levels. Importantly, billions of users' app installs from the Google Play have benefited from these redactions View details
    Preview abstract A great deal of research on the management of user data on smartphones via permission systems has revealed significant levels of user discomfort, lack of understanding, and lack of attention. The majority of these studies were conducted on Android devices before runtime permission dialogs were widely deployed. In this paper we explore how users make decisions with runtime dialogs on smartphones with Android 6.0 or higher. We employ an experience sampling methodology in order to ask users the reasons influencing their decisions immediately after they decide. We conducted a longitudinal survey with 157 participants over a 6 week period. We explore the grant and denial rates of permissions, overall and on a per permission type basis. Overall, our participants accepted 84% of the permission requests. We observe differences in the denial rates across permissions types; these vary from 23% (for microphone) to 10% (calendar). We find that one of the main reasons for granting or denying a permission request depends on users’ expectation on whether or not an app should need a permission. A common reason for denying permissions is because users know they can change them later. Among the permissions granted, our participants said they were comfortable with 90% of those decisions - indicating that for 10% of grant decisions users may be consenting reluctantly. Interestingly, we found that women deny permissions twice as often as men. View details
    Privacy Mediators: Helping IoT Cross the Chasm
    Nigel Davies
    Mahadev Satyanarayanan
    Sarah Clinch
    Brandon Amos
    International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (ACM HotMobile)(2016)
    Preview abstract Unease over data privacy will retard consumer acceptance of IoT deployments. The primary source of discomfort is a lack of user control over raw data that is streamed directly from sensors to the cloud. This is a direct consequence of the over-centralization of today’s cloud-based IoT hub designs. We propose a solution that interposes a locally-controlled software component called a privacy mediator on every raw sensor stream. Each mediator is in the same administrative domain as the sensors whose data is being collected, and dynamically enforces the current privacy policies of the owners of the sensors or mobile users within the domain. This solution ne- cessitates a logical point of presence for mediators within the admin- istrative boundaries of each organization. Such points of presence are provided by cloudlets, which are small locally-administered data centers at the edge of the Internet that can support code mobility. The use of cloudlet-based mediators aligns well with natural personal and organizational boundaries of trust and responsibility. View details
    Cache Content Selection Policies for Streaming Video Services
    Stefan Dernbach
    Jim Kurose
    Udi Weinsberg
    Christophe Diot
    Azin Ashkan
    IEEE Infocom(2016)
    Preview abstract The majority of internet traffic is now dominated by streamed video content. As video quality continues to increase, the strain that streaming traffic places on the network infrastructure also increases. Caching content closer to users, e.g., using Content Distribution Networks, is a common solution to reduce the load on the network. A simple approach to selecting what to put in regional caches is to put the videos that are most popular globally across the entire customer base. However, this approach ignores distinct regional taste. In this paper we explore the question of how a video content provider could go about determining whether or not they should use a cache filling policy based solely upon global popularity or take into account regional tastes as well. We propose a model that captures the overlap between inter-regional and intra-regional preferences. We focus on movie content and derive a synthetic model that captures “taste” using matrix factorization, similarly to the method used in recommender systems. Our model enables us to widely explore the parameter space, and derive a set of metrics providers can use to determine whether populating caches according to regional of global tastes provides better cache performance. View details
    Preview abstract Analytic systems increasingly allow companies to draw inferences about users’ characteristics, yet users may not fully understand these systems due to their complex and often unintuitive nature. In this paper, we investigate inference literacy: the beliefs and misconceptions people have about how companies collect and make inferences from their data. We interviewed 21 non-student participants with a high school education, finding that few believed companies can make the type of deeply personal inferences that companies now routinely make through machine learning. Instead, most participant’s inference literacy beliefs clustered around one of two main concepts: one cluster believed companies make inferences about a person based largely on a priori stereotyping, using directly gathered demographic data; the other cluster believed that companies make inferences based on computer processing of online behavioral data, but often expected these inferences to be limited to straightforward intuitions. We also find evidence that cultural models related to income and ethnicity influence the assumptions that users make about their own role in the data economy. We share implications for research, design, and policy on tech savviness, digital inequality, and potential inference literacy interventions. View details
    GraphSC: Parallel Secure Computation Made Easy
    Kartik Nayak
    Xiao S. Wang
    Stratis Ioannidis
    Udi Weinsberg
    Elaine Shi
    IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE(2015)
    Preview abstract We propose introducing modern parallel programming paradigms to secure computation, enabling their secure execution on large datasets. To address this challenge, we present GraphSC, a framework that (i) provides a programming paradigm that allows non-cryptography experts to write secure code; (ii) brings parallelism to such secure implementations; and (iii) meets the needs for obliviousness, thereby not leaking any private information. Using GraphSC, developers can efficiently implement an oblivious version of graph-based algorithms (including sophisticated data mining and machine learning algorithms) that execute in parallel with minimal communication overhead. Importantly, our secure version of graph-based algorithms incurs a small logarithmic overhead in comparison with the non-secure parallel version. We build GraphSC and demonstrate, using several algorithms as examples, that secure computation can be brought into the realm of practicality for big data analysis. Our secure matrix factorization implementation can process 1 million ratings in 13 hours, which is a multiple order-of-magnitude improvement over the only other existing attempt, which requires 3 hours to process 16K ratings. View details
    Perceived Frequency of Advertising Practices
    Allen Collins
    Aaron Sedley
    Allison Woodruff
    Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), Privacy Personas and Segmentation Workshop, Usenix(2015)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we introduce a new construct for measuring individuals’ privacy-related beliefs and understandings, namely their perception of the frequency with which information about individuals is gathered and used by others for advertising purposes. We introduce a preliminary instrument for measuring this perception, called the Ad Practice Frequency Perception Scale. We report data from a survey using this instrument, as well as the results of an initial clustering of participants based on this data. Our results, while preliminary, suggest that this construct may have future potential to characterize and segment individuals, and is worthy of further exploration. View details
    Managing your Private and Public Data: Bringing down Inference Attacks against your Privacy
    Amy Zhang
    Branislav Kveton
    Flavio du Pin Calmon
    Nadia Fawaz
    Pedro Oliveira
    Salman Salamatian
    Sandilya Bhamidipati
    IEEE Journal on Signal Processing(2015)
    Preview abstract We propose a practical methodology to protect a user’s private data, when he wishes to publicly release data that is correlated with his private data, in the hope of getting some utility. Our approach relies on a general statistical inference framework that captures the privacy threat under inference attacks, given utility constraints. Under this framework, data is distorted before it is released, according to a probabilistic privacy mapping. This mapping is obtained by solving a convex optimization problem, which minimizes information leakage under a distortion constraint. We address practical challenges encountered when applying this theoretical framework to real world data. On one hand, the design of optimal privacy-preserving mechanisms requires knowledge of the prior distribution linking private data and data to be released, which is often unavailable in practice. On the other hand, the optimization may become untractable when data assumes values in large size alphabets, or is high dimensional. Our work makes three major contributions. First, we provide bounds on the impact of a mismatched prior on the privacy-utility tradeoff. Second, we show how to reduce the optimization size by introducing a quantization step, and how to generate privacy mappings under quantization. Third, we evaluate our method on two datasets, including a new dataset that we collected, showing correlations between political convictions and TV viewing habits. We demonstrate that good privacy properties can be achieved with limited distortion so as not to undermine the original purpose of the publicly released data, e.g. recommendations. View details
    Privacy Tradeoffs in Predictive Analytics
    Stratis Ioannidis
    Andrea Montanari
    Udi Weinsberg
    Smriti Bhagat
    Nadia Fawaz
    Sigmetrics, ACM(2014)
    Preview abstract Online services routinely mine user data to predict user preferences, make recommendations, and place targeted ads. Recent research has demonstrated that several private user attributes (such as political affiliation, sexual orientation, and gender) can be inferred from such data. Can a privacy conscious user benefit from personalization while simultaneously protecting her private attributes? We study this question in the context of a rating prediction service based on matrix factorization. We construct a protocol of interactions between the service and users that has remarkable optimality properties: it is privacy-preserving, in that no inference algorithm can succeed in inferring a user’s private attribute with a probability better than random guessing; it has maximal accuracy, in that no other privacy-preserving protocol improves rating prediction; and, finally, it involves a minimal disclosure, as the prediction accuracy strictly decreases when the service reveals less information. We extensively evaluate our protocol using several rating datasets, demonstrating that it successfully blocks the inference of gender, age and political affiliation, while incurring less than 5% decrease in the accuracy of rating prediction. View details
    Recommending with an Agenda: Active Learning of Private Attributes using Matrix Factorization.
    Smriti Bhagat
    Udi Weinsberg
    Stratis Ioannidis
    ACM Recommendation Systems (RecSys)(2014)
    Preview abstract Recommender systems leverage user demographic information, such as age, gender, etc., to personalize recommendations and better place their targeted ads. Oftentimes, users do not volunteer this information due to privacy concerns, or due to a lack of initiative in filling out their online profiles. We illustrate a new threat in which a recommender learns private attributes of users who do not voluntarily disclose them. We design both passive and active attacks that solicit ratings for strategically selected items, and could thus be used by a recommender system to pursue this hidden agenda. Our methods are based on a novel usage of Bayesian matrix factorization in an active learning setting. Evaluations on multiple datasets illustrate that such attacks are indeed feasible and use significantly fewer rated items than static inference methods. Importantly, they succeed without sacrificing the quality of recommendations to users. View details
    Privacy Preserving Ridge Regression on Hundreds of Millions of Records
    Valeria Nikolaenko
    Udi Weinsberg
    Stratis Ioannidis
    Marc Joye
    Dan Boneh
    Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE(2013), pp. 334-348
    Preview abstract Ridge regression is an algorithm that takes as input a large number of data points and finds the best-fit linear curve through these points. The algorithm is a building block for many machine-learning operations. We present a system for privacy-preserving ridge regression. The system outputs the best-fit curve in the clear, but exposes no other information about the input data. Our approach combines both homomorphic encryption and Yao garbled circuits, where each is used in a different part of the algorithm to obtain the best performance. We implement the complete system and experiment with it on real data-sets, and show that it significantly outperforms pure implementations based only on homomorphic encryption or Yao circuits. View details
    Privacy Preserving Matrix Factorization
    Valeria Nikolaenko
    Stratis Ioannidis
    Udi Weinsberg
    Marc Joye
    Dan Boneh
    20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)(2013)
    Preview abstract Recommender systems typically require users to reveal their ratings to a recommender service, which subsequently uses them to provide relevant recommendations. Revealing ratings has been shown to make users susceptible to a broad set of inference attacks, allowing the recommender to learn private user attributes, such as gender, age, etc. In this work, we show that a recommender can profile items without ever learning the ratings users provide, or even which items they have rated. We show this by designing a system that performs matrix factorization, a popular method used in a variety of modern recommendation systems, through a cryptographic technique known as garbled circuits. Our design uses oblivious sorting networks in a novel way to leverage sparsity in the data. This yields an efficient implementation, whose running time is Θ(M log2 M) in the number of ratings M. Crucially, our design is also highly parallelizable, giving a linear speedup with the number of available processors. We further fully implement our system, and demonstrate that even on commodity hardware with 16 cores, our privacy-preserving implementation can factorize a matrix with 10K ratings within a few hours. View details
    BlurMe: Inferring and Obfuscating User Gender Based on Ratings.
    Udi Weinsberg
    Smriti Bhagat
    Stratis Ioannidis
    ACM Recommendation Systems (RecSys)(2012)
    Preview abstract User demographics, such as age, gender and ethnicity, are routinely used for targeting content and advertising products to users. Similarly, recommender systems utilize user demographics for personalizing recommendations and overcoming the cold-start problem. Often, privacy-concerned users do not provide these details in their online profiles. In this work, we show that a recommender system can infer the gender of a user with high accuracy, based solely on the ratings provided by users (without additional metadata), and a relatively small number of users who share their demographics. We design techniques for effectively adding ratings to a user’s profile for obfuscating the user’s gender, while having an insignificant effect on the recommendations provided to that user. View details
    CARE: Content Aware Redundancy Elimination for Challenged Networks
    Athula Balachandran
    Gianluca Iannaccone
    Qingxi Li
    Srinivasan Seshan
    Udi Weinsberg
    Vyas Sekar
    ACM Hot Topics in Networking(2012)
    Preview abstract This paper presents the design of a novel architecture called CARE (Content-Aware Redundancy Elimination) that enables maximizing the informational value that challenged networks offer their users. We focus on emerging applications for situational awareness in disaster affected regions. Motivated by advances in computer vision algorithms, we propose to incorporate image similarity detection algorithms in the forwarding path of these networks. The purpose is to handle the large generation of redundant content. We outline the many issues involved in such a vision. With a DelayTolerant Network (DTN) setup, our simulations demonstrate that CARE can substantially boost the number of unique messages that escape the disaster zone, and it can also deliver them faster. These benefits are achieved despite the energy overhead needed by the similarity detectors. View details
    Finding a Needle in a Haystack of Reviews: Cold Start Context-Based Hotel Recommender System
    Asher Levi
    Osnat Mokryn
    Christophe Diot
    Proceedings of ACM Conference on Recommender Systerms(2012), pp. 115-122
    Preview abstract Online hotel searching is a daunting task due to the wealth of online information. Reviews written by other travelers replace the word-of-mouth, yet turn the search into a time consuming task. Users do not rate enough hotels to enable a collaborative filtering based recommendation. Thus, a cold start recommender system is needed. In this work we design a cold start hotel recommender system, which uses the text of the reviews as its main data. We define context groups based on reviews extracted from and We introduce a novel weighted algorithm for text mining. Our algorithm imitates a user that favors reviews written with the same trip intent and from people of similar background (nationality) and with similar preferences for hotel aspects, which are our defined context groups. Our approach combines numerous elements, including unsupervised clustering to build a vocabulary for hotel aspects, semantic analysis to understand sentiment towards hotel features, and the profiling of intent and nationality groups. We implemented our system which was used by the public to conduct 150 trip planning experiments. We compare our solution to the top suggestions of the mentioned web services and show that users were, on average, 20% more satisfied with our hotel recommendations. We outperform these web services even more in cities where hotel prices are high. View details
    Public Health for the Internet (PHI)
    Joseph M. Hellerstein
    Tyson Condie
    Minos N. Garofalakis
    Boon Thau Loo
    Timothy Roscoe
    CIDR(2007), pp. 332-340
    Traffic Matrices: Balancing Measurements, Inference and Modeling
    Augustin Soule
    Anukool Lakhina
    Konstantina Papagiannaki
    Kave Salamatian
    Antonio Nucci
    Mark Crovella
    Christophe Diot
    ACM Sigmetrics: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems(2005)
    Preview abstract Traffic matrix estimation is well-studied, but in general has been treated simply as a statistical inference problem. In practice, however, network operators seeking traffic matrix information have a range of options available to them. Operators can measure traffic flows directly; they can perform partial flow measurement, and infer missing data using models; or they can perform no flow measurement and infer traffic matrices directly from link counts. The advent of practical flow measurement makes the study of these tradeoffs more important. In particular, an important question is whether judicious modeling, combined with partial flow measurement, can provide traffic matrix estimates that are significantly better than previous methods at relatively low cost. In this paper we make a number of contributions toward answering this question. First, we provide a taxonomy of the kinds of models that may make use of partial flow measurement, based on the nature of the measurements used and the spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal correlation exploited. We then evaluate estimation methods which use each kind of model. In the process we propose and evaluate new methods, and extensions to methods previously proposed. We show that, using such methods, small amounts of traffic flow measurements can have significant impacts on the accuracy of traffic matrix estimation, yielding results much better than previous approaches. We also show that different methods differ in their bias and variance properties, suggesting that different methods may be suited to different applications. View details
    Combining Filtering and Statistical Methods for Anomaly Detection
    Augustin Soule
    Kave Salamatian
    ACM IMC (Internet Measurement Conference)(2005)
    Preview abstract In this work we develop an approach for anomaly detection for large scale networks such as that of an enterprize or an ISP. The traffic patterns we focus on for analysis are that of a network-wide view of the traffic state, called the traffic matrix. In the first step a Kalman filter is used to filter out the “normal” traffic. This is done by comparing our future predictions of the traffic matrix state to an inference of the actual traffic matrix that is made using more recent measurement data than those used for prediction. In the second step the residual filtered process is then examined for anomalies. We explain here how any anomaly detection method can be viewed as a problem in statistical hypothesis testing. We study and compare four different methods for analyzing residuals, two of which are new. These methods focus on different aspects of the traffic pattern change. One focuses on instantaneous behavior, another focuses on changes in the mean of the residual process, a third on changes in the variance behavior, and a fourth examines variance changes over multiple timescales. We evaluate and compare all of these methods using ROC curves that illustrate the full tradeoff between false positives and false negatives for the complete spectrum of decision thresholds. View details
    Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows
    Anukool Lakhina
    Konstantina Papagiannaki
    Mark Crovella
    Christophe Diot
    Eric Kolaczyk
    ACM Sigmetrics: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems(2004), pp. 61-72
    Preview abstract Network traffic arises from the superposition of Origin-Destination (OD) flows. Hence, a thorough understanding of OD flows is essential for modeling network traffic, and for addressing a wide variety of problems including traffic engineering, traffic matrix estimation, capacity planning, forecasting and anomaly detection. However, to date, OD flows have not been closely studied, and there is very little known about their properties.We present the first analysis of complete sets of OD flow time-series, taken from two different backbone networks (Abilene and Sprint-Europe). Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we find that the set of OD flows has small intrinsic dimension. In fact, even in a network with over a hundred OD flows, these flows can be accurately modeled in time using a small number (10 or less) of independent components or dimensions.We also show how to use PCA to systematically decompose the structure of OD flow time series into three main constituents: common periodic trends, short-lived bursts, and noise. We provide insight into how the various constituents contribute to the overall structure of OD flows and explore the extent to which this decomposition varies over time. View details
    Long Term Forecasting of Internet Backbone Traffic: Observations and Initial Models
    Konstantina Papagiannaki
    Zhi-Li Zhang
    Christophe Diot
    IEEE Infocom(2003)
    Preview abstract We introduce a methodology to predict when and where link additions/upgrades have to take place in an IP backbone network. Using SNMP statistics, collected continuously since 1999, we compute aggregate demand between any two adjacent PoPs and look at its evolution at time scales larger than one hour. We show that IP backbone traffic exhibits visible long term trends, strong periodicities, and variability at multiple time scales. Our methodology relies on the wavelet multi-resolution analysis and linear time series models. Using wavelet multi-resolution analysis, we smooth the collected measurements until we identify the overall long-term trend. The fluctuations around the obtained trend are further analyzed at multiple time scales. We show that the largest amount of variability in the original signal is due to its fluctuations at the 12 hour time scale. We model inter-PoP aggregate demand as a multiple linear regression model, consisting of the two identified components. We show that this model accounts for 98% of the total energy in the original signal, while explaining 90% of its variance. Weekly approximations of those components can be accurately modeled with low-order AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. We show that forecasting the long term trend and the fluctuations of the traffic at the 12 hour time scale yields accurate estimates for at least six months in the future. View details
    Traffic Matrix Estimation: Existing Techniques and New Directions
    Alberto Medina
    Kave Salamatian
    Supratik Bhattacharyya
    Christophe Diot
    ACM Proceedings of SIGCOMM conference(2002), pp. 161-174
    Preview abstract Very few techniques have been proposed for estimating traffic matrices in the context of Internet traffic. Our work on POP-to-POP traffic matrices (TM) makes two contributions. The primary contribution is the outcome of a detailed comparative evaluation of the three existing techniques. We evaluate these methods with respect to the estimation errors yielded, sensitivity to prior information required and sensitivity to the statistical assumptions they make. We study the impact of characteristics such as path length and the amount of link sharing on the estimation errors. Using actual data from a Tier-1 backbone, we assess the validity of the typical assumptions needed by the TM estimation techniques. The secondary contribution of our work is the proposal of a new direction for TM estimation based on using choice models to model POP fanouts. These models allow us to overcome some of the problems of existing methods because they can incorporate additional data and information about POPs and they enable us to make a fundamentally different kind of modeling assumption. We validate this approach by illustrating that our modeling assumption matches actual Internet data well. Using two initial simple models we provide a proof of concept showing that the incorporation of knowledge of POP features (such as total incoming bytes, number of customers, etc.) can reduce estimation errors. Our proposed approach can be used in conjunction with existing or future methods in that it can be used to generate good priors that serve as inputs to statistical inference techniques. View details