Manya Sleeper

Authored Publications
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    SoK: A Framework for Unifying At-Risk User Research
    Noel Warford
    Tara Matthews
    Kaitlyn Yang
    Omer Akgul
    Patrick Gage Kelley
    Nathan Malkin
    Michelle L. Mazurek
    Preview abstract At-risk users are people who experience risk factors that augment or amplify their chances of being digitally attacked and/or suffering disproportionate harms. In this systematization work, we present a framework for reasoning about at-risk users based on a wide-ranging meta-analysis of 95 papers. Across the varied populations that we examined (e.g., children, activists, people with disabilities), we identified 10 unifying contextual risk factors—such as marginalization and access to a sensitive resource—that augment or amplify digital-safety risks and their resulting harms. We also identified technical and non-technical practices that at-risk users adopt to attempt to protect themselves from digital-safety risks. We use this framework to discuss barriers that limit at-risk users’ ability or willingness to take protective actions. We believe that researchers and technology creators can use our framework to identify and shape research investments to benefit at-risk users, and to guide technology design to better support at-risk users. View details
    Tough Times at Transitional Homeless Shelters: Considering the Impact of Financial Insecurity on Digital Security and Privacy
    Tara Matthews
    Jill Palzkill Woelfer
    Martin Shelton
    Andrew Oplinger
    Andreas Schou
    Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    Preview abstract Addressing digital security and privacy issues can be particularly difficult for users who face challenging circumstances. We performed semi-structured interviews with residents and staff at 4 transitional homeless shelters in the U.S. San Francisco Bay Area (n=15 residents, 3 staff) to explore their digital security and privacy challenges. Based on these interviews, we outline four tough times themes -- challenges experienced by our financially insecure participants that impacted their digital security and privacy -- which included: (1) limited financial resources, (2) limited access to reliable devices and Internet, (3) untrusted relationships, and (4) ongoing stress. We provide examples of how each theme impacts digital security and privacy practices and needs. We then use these themes to provide a framework outlining opportunities for technology creators to better support users facing security and privacy challenges related to financial insecurity. View details
    Privacy and security experiences and practices of survivors of intimate partner abuse
    Cori Manthorne
    Elizabeth Churchill
    Jill Palzkill Woelfer
    Martin Shelton
    Tara Matthews
    IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine (2017)
    Preview abstract Recognizing how intimate partner abuse’s three phases—physical control, escape from abuser, and life apart—affect survivors’ technology use can help technology creators better understand and support this population’s digital security and privacy needs. View details
    Stories from survivors: Privacy & security practices when coping with intimate partner abuse
    Tara Matthews
    Jill Palzkill Woelfer
    Martin Shelton
    Cori Manthorne
    Elizabeth F. Churchill
    CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, New York, NY, USA (2017), pp. 2189-2201
    Preview abstract We present a qualitative study of the digital privacy and security motivations, practices, and challenges of survivors of intimate partner abuse (IPA). This paper provides a framework for organizing survivors' technology practices and challenges into three phases: physical control, escape, and life apart. This three-phase framework combines technology practices with three phases of abuse to provide an empirically sound method for technology creators to consider how survivors of IPA can leverage new and existing technologies. Overall, our results suggest that the usability of and control over privacy and security functions should be or continue to be high priorities for technology creators seeking ways to better support survivors of IPA. View details
    Attitudes Toward Vehicle-Based Sensing and Recording
    Sebastian Schnorf
    Brian Kemler
    Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, ACM, pp. 1017-1028
    Preview abstract Vehicles increasingly include features that rely on hi-tech sensors and recording; however, little is known of public attitudes toward such recording. We use two studies, an online survey (n=349) and an interview-based study (n=15), to examine perceptions of vehicle-based sensing and recording. We focus on: 1) how vehicle-based recording and sensing may differ from perceptions of current recording; 2) factors that impact comfort with vehicle-based recording for hypothetical drivers versus bystanders; and 3) perceptions of potential privacy-preserving techniques. We find that vehicle-based recording challenges current mental models of recording awareness. Comfort tends to depend on perceived bene- fits, which can vary by stakeholder type. Perceived privacy in spaces near cars can also impact comfort and reflect mental models of private spaces as well as the range of potentially sensitive activities people perform in and near cars. Privacy-preserving techniques may increase perceived comfort but may require addressing trust and usability issues. View details