Towards zero-shot learning for human activity recognition using semantic attribute sequence model

Martin Griss
Paul Davis
Jianguo Li
Di You
UbiComp '13 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing, ACM


Understanding human activities is important for user-centric and context-aware applications. Previous studies showed promising results using various machine learning algorithms. However, most existing methods can only recognize the activities that were previously seen in the training data. In this paper, we present a new zero-shot learning framework for human activity recognition that can recognize an unseen new activity even when there are no training samples of that activity in the dataset. We propose a semantic attribute sequence model that takes into account both the hierarchical and sequential nature of activity data. Evaluation on datasets in two activity domains show that the proposed zero-shot learning approach achieves 70-75% precision and recall recognizing unseen new activities, and outperforms supervised learning with limited labeled data for the new classes.

Research Areas