The Performance Cost of Shadow Stacks and Stack Canaries

Thurston H.Y. Dang
David Wagner
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), ACM(2015), pp. 555-566
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Control flow defenses against ROP either use strict, expensive, but strong protection against redirected RET instructions with shadow stacks, or much faster but weaker protections without. In this work we study the inherent overheads of shadow stack schemes. We find that the overhead is roughly 10% for a traditional shadow stack. We then design a new scheme, the parallel shadow stack, and show that its performance cost is significantly less: 3.5%. Our measurements suggest it will not be easy to improve performance on current x86 processors further, due to inherent costs associated with RET and memory load/store instructions. We conclude with a discussion of the design decisions in our shadow stack instrumentation, and possible lighter-weight alternatives.