Reinforcement Learning with Feedback Graphs

Yishay Mansour
Ayush Sekhari
Karthik Sridharan


We study reinforcement learning in tabular MDPs where the agent receives additional side observations per step in the form of several transition samples -- e.g. from data augmentation. We formalize this setting using a feedback graph over state-action pairs and show that model-based algorithms can leverage side observations for more sample-efficient learning. We give a regret bound that predominantly depends on the size of the maximum acyclic subgraph of the feedback graph, in contrast with a polynomial dependency on the number of states and actions in the absence of side observations. Finally, we highlight challenges when leveraging a small dominating set of the feedback graph as compared to the well-studied bandit setting and propose a new algorithm that can use such a dominating set to learn a near-optimal policy faster.

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