Recent Books and Journals Articles in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, Survey Statistics, Big Data, Data Science, and User Experience Research. 2018 Update

Survey Practice(2019)


Welcome to the 10th edition of this column on recent books and journal articles in the field of public opinion, survey methods, survey statistics, Big Data, data science and user experience research. Yes, it is the 10th anniversary of this paper series started in March 2009. In the first article, there were only books in public opinion and survey methods, but over the years, I added more and more topics related to survey methods given our science is getting more interdisciplinary as ever. Special issues of journals have a space too because in my view, they are like edited books. Finally, I also added review papers from the journal series of Annual Reviews because these papers are seminal state of the art write-ups, a mini book, if you wish on a specific subject. I hope the readers enjoyed the articles over the years and were able to find interesting books to improve their knowledge on a particular subject.