Recent Books and Journals Articles in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, Survey Statistics, Big Data and User Experience Research. 2017 Update

Survey Practice, 11(2018)


Welcome to the 9th edition of this column on recent books and journal articles in the field of public opinion, survey methods, survey statistics, Big Data, and user experience research. This article is an update of the 2016 article. Like the previous year, the books are organized by topic; this should help the readers to focus on their interests. Given that the last update listed books available as of August 2016, I added a few books, papers, and special issues that came out in late 2016, so there is no gap. This year I added a new section on user experience research. User experience research is a growing field with many applications to desktop and mobile platforms. Given almost all data collection methods in survey research rely heavily on technology, the learnings from the user experience field can be very beneficial to the survey researcher and practitioner. You will also note that I use very broad definitions of public opinion, survey methods, survey statistics, Big Data, and user experience research. This is because there are many books published in different outlets that can very useful to the readers of Survey Practice, even if they do not come from traditional sources of survey content. It is unlikely I have exhaustively listed all new books in each subcategory; I did my best scouting different resources and Websites, but I take full responsibility for any omission. The list is also focused only on books published in the English language and available for purchase (as an ebook or in print) at the time of this review (January 2018) and with copyright year as either 2016 or 2017. Books are listed based on the relevance to the topic, and no judgment is made in terms of quality of the content. We let the readers do so.