Recent Books and Journals Articles in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey Statistics. 2015 Update

Survey Practice, 8(2015)


Welcome to the 7th edition of this column on recent books and journal articles in the field of public opinion, survey methods, and survey statistics. This year I had the chance to visit the London book fair, so I was able actually to see some of the new books in our field. This article is an update of the April 2014 article. Like the previous year, the books are organized by topic; this should help the readers to focus on their interests. It is unlikely to list all new books in the field; I did my best scouting different resources and websites, but I take full responsibility for any omission. The list is also focusing only on books published in English language and available for purchase (as an Ebook or in print) at the time of this review (June 2015). Books are listed based on the relevance to the topic, and no judgment is made in terms of quality of the content. We let the readers do so. Given our field is becoming more and more interdisciplinary, this year I added a new section called “big data, social media and other relevant books” to capture areas that are overlapping more and more with public opinion, survey research, and survey statistics.