Perspectives on cloud computing: interviews with five leading scientists from the cloud community

Gordon Blair
Fabio Kon
Dejan Milojicic
Raghu Ramakrishnan
Dan Reed
Dilma Silva
Journal of Internet Services and Applications(2011)
Google Scholar


Cloud computing is currently one of the major topics in dis- tributed systems, with large numbers of papers being writ- ten on the topic, with major players in the industry releasing a range of software platforms offering novel Internet-based services and, most importantly, evidence of real impact on end user communities in terms of approaches to provision- ing software services. Cloud computing though is at a for- mative stage, with a lot of hype surrounding the area, and this makes it difficult to see the true contribution and impact of the topic. Cloud computing is a central topic for the Journal of In- ternet Services and Applications (JISA) and indeed the most downloaded paper from the first year of JISA is concerned with the state-of-the-art and research challenges related to cloud computing [1]. The Editors-in-Chief, Fabio Kon and Gordon Blair, therefore felt it was timely to seek clarifica- tion on the key issues around cloud computing and hence invited five leading scientists from industrial organizations central to cloud computing to answer a series of questions on the topic. The five scientists taking part are: • Walfredo Cirne, from Google’s infrastructure group in California, USA • Dejan Milojicic, Senior Researcher and Director of the Open Cirrus Cloud Computing testbed at HP Labs • Raghu Ramakrishnan, Chief Scientist for Search and Cloud Platforms at Yahoo! • Dan Reed, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President for Tech- nology Strategy and Policy and Extreme Computing • Dilma Silva, researcher at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, in New York