On-Chain Crypto-Secured Credential Verification On Permissioned Blockchain

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Verifying credentials, such as educational degrees, professional licenses, and permits, is a crucial yet challenging task for organizations globally. Traditional verification methods often rely on third-party vendors, introducing vulnerabilities like bias, security breaches, and privacy risks. While blockchain technology offers a promising solution for credential management, existing approaches often store sensitive credential data off-chain in centralized databases or InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), leaving them susceptible to data breaches and loss.

This paper presents a novel, privacy-preserving credential verification system built on a permissioned blockchain network. This system, implemented using the Hyperledger Fabric framework, offers several key advantages over traditional methods, including enhanced security and improved privacy. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, the system ensures the robust and privacypreserving storage of credentials directly on the blockchain. This eliminates the reliance on vulnerable off-chain storage and mitigates associated risks. Furthermore, our analysis of a common credential dataset demonstrates the practical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of our solution, suggesting its widespread adoption. By addressing the limitations of both traditional and existing blockchain-based approaches, our system provides a robust, secure, and efficient solution for credential management in diverse sectors.