Object-Oriented Architecture for Web Services Eventing

Ken Birman
Danny Dolev
Web Services Research for Emerging Applications: Discoveries and Trends(2010), pp. 140-184


Existing web service notification and eventing standards are useful in many applications, but they have serious limitations that make them ill-suited for large-scale deployments, or as a middleware or a component-integration technology in today’s data centers. For example, it is not possible to use IP multicast, or for recipients to forward messages to others, scalable notification trees must be setup manually, and no end-to-end security, reliability, or QoS guarantees can be provided. This chapter proposes an architecture based on object-oriented design principles that is free of such limitations, extremely modular and extensible, and that can serve as a basis for extending and complementing the existing standards. The new approach emerges from the authors’ work on Live Distributed Objects, a new programming model that brings object-orientation into the realm of distributed computing.

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