NetLord: a scalable multi-tenant network architecture for virtualized datacenters

Jayaram Mudigonda
Praveen Yalagandula
Bryan Stiekes
Yanick Pouffary
SIGCOMM(2011), pp. 62-73


Providers of “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” need datacenter networks that support multi-tenancy, scale, and ease of operation, at low cost. Most existing network architectures cannot meet all of these needs simultaneously. In this paper we present NetLord, a novel multi-tenant network architecture. NetLord provides tenants with simple and flexible network abstractions, by fully and efficiently virtualizing the address space at both L2 and L3. NetLord can exploit inexpensive commodity equipment to scale the network to several thousands of tenants and millions of virtual machines. NetLord requires only a small amount of offline, one-time configuration. We implemented NetLord on a testbed, and demonstrated its scalability, while achieving order-of-magnitude goodput improvements over previous approaches.

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