MiniMalloc: A Lightweight Memory Allocator for Hardware-Accelerated Machine Learning

Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS '23), 4(2023), pp. 238-252


We present a new approach to static memory allocation, a key problem that arises in the compilation of machine learning models onto the resources of a specialized hardware accelerator. Our methodology involves a recursive depth-first search that limits exploration to a special class of canonical solutions, dramatically reducing the size of the search space. We also develop a spatial inference technique that exploits this special structure by pruning unpromising partial assignments and backtracking more effectively than otherwise possible. Finally, we introduce a new mechanism capable of detecting and eliminating dominated solutions from consideration. Empirical results demonstrate orders of magnitude improvement in performance as compared to the previous state-of-the-art on many benchmarks, as well as a substantial reduction in library size.