High-temperature high-pressure calorimeter for studying gram-scale heterogeneous chemical reactions

B. P. MacLeod
P. A. Schauer
K. Hu
B. Lam
C. P. Berlinguette
Reviews of Scientific Instruments, 88 (2017), pp. 084101


We present an instrument for measuring pressure changes and heat flows of physical and chemical processes occurring in gram-scale solid samples under high pressures of reactive gases. Operation is demonstrated at 1232 °C under 33 bars of pure hydrogen. Calorimetric heat flow is inferred using a grey-box non-linear lumped-element heat transfer model of the instrument. Using an electrical calibration heater to deliver 900 J/1 W pulses at the sample position, we demonstrate a dynamic calorimetric power resolution of 50 mW when an 80-s moving average is applied to the signal. Integration of the power signal showed that the 900 J pulse energy could be measured with an average accuracy of 6.35% or better over the temperature range 150-1100 °C. This instrument is appropriate for the study of high-temperature metal hydride materials for thermochemical energy storage.

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