Handling Correlated Rounding Error via Preclustering: A 1.73-approximation for Correlation Clustering

Euiwoong Lee
Shi Li
Alantha Newman
FOCS'23 (2023) (to appear)
Google Scholar


We consider the classic correlation clustering problem: Given a complete graphs where edges are
labelled either + or -, the goal is to find a partition of the vertices that minimizes the number of the +
edges across parts plus the number of the - edges within parts.

Recently, Cohen-Addad, Lee and Newman [FOCS’22] showed the first 1.995-approximation for the
problem using the Sherali-Adams hierarchy hence breaking through the integrality gap of 2 of the clas-
sic linear program and improving upon the 2.06-approximation of Chawla, Makarychev, Schramm and
Yaroslavtsev [STOC’15].

We significantly improve the result by providing a 1.73-approximation for the problem, making a
significant step below 2. Our approach brings together a new preprocessing of correlation clustering
instances that enables a new LP formulation which combined with the approach of Cohen-Addad, Lee
and Newman [FOCS’22] and a new rounding method yields the improved bound.