Colorization Transformer

Dirk Weissenborn
Nal Kalchbrenner
ICLR 2021, ICLR 2021


We present the Colorization Transformer, a novel approach for diverse high fidelity image colorization based on self-attention. Given a grayscale image, the colorization proceeds in three steps. We first use an autoregressive transformer to produce a low resolution coarse coloring of the grayscale image. Our architecture adopts conditional self-attention blocks to effectively capture grayscale input. Two subsequent fully parallel networks upsample the coarse colored low resolution image into a finely colored high resolution image. Sampling from the Colorization Transformer produces diverse colorings whose fidelity outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on colorising ImageNet based on FID results and based on a human evaluation in a Mechanical Turk test. Remarkably, in more than 60\% of cases human evaluators prefer the highest rated among three generated colorings over the ground truth.