Categorical-Attributes-Based Multi-Level Classification for Recommender Systems

Qian Zhao
Jilin Chen
Sagar Jain
Alex Beutel
Francois Belletti
ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems, RecSys(2018)


Many techniques to utilize side information of users and/or items as inputs to recommenders to improve recommendation, especially on cold-start items/users, have been developed over the years. In this work, we test the approach of utilizing item side information, specifically categorical attributes, in the output of recommendation models either through multi-task learning or hierarchical classification. We first demonstrate the efficacy of these approaches for both matrix factorization and neural networks with a medium-size realword data set. We then show that they improve a neural-network based production model in an industrial-scale recommender system. We demonstrate the robustness of the hierarchical classification approach by introducing noise in building the hierarchy. Lastly, we investigate the generalizability of hierarchical classification on a simulated dataset by building two user models in which we can fully control the generative process of user-item interactions.