Byte-Aware Floating-point Operations through a UNUM Computing Unit

Andrea Bocco
Tiago T. Jost
Florent de Dinechin
Yves Durand
Christian Fabre
27th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC)(2019)


Most floating-point (FP) hardware support the IEEE 754 format, which defines fixed-size data types from 16 to 128 bits. However, a range of applications benefit from different formats, implementing different tradeoffs. This paper proposes a Variable Precision (VP) computing unit offering a finer granularity of high precision FP operations. The chosen memory format is derived from UNUM type I, where the size of a number is stored within the representation itself. The unit implements a fully pipelined architecture, and it supports up to 512 bits of precision for both interval and scalar computing. The user can configure the storage format up to 8-bit granularity, and the internal computing precision at 64-bit granularity. The system is integrated as a RISC-V coprocessor. Dedicated compiler support exposes the unit through a high level programming abstraction, covering all the operating features of UNUM type I. FPGA-based measurements show that the latency and the computation accuracy of this system scale linearly with the memory format length set by the user. Compared with the MPFR software library, the proposed unit achieves speedups between 3.5x and 18x, with comparable accuracy.