Approaches for Neural-Network Language Model Adaptation

Michael Alexander Nirschl
Min Ma
Interspeech 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (2017)


Language Models (LMs) for Automatic Speech Recognition
(ASR) are typically trained on large text corpora from news
articles, books and web documents. These types of corpora,
however, are unlikely to match the test distribution of ASR systems,
which expect spoken utterances. Therefore, the LM is
typically adapted to a smaller held-out in-domain dataset that is
drawn from the test distribution. We present three LM adaptation
approaches for Deep NN and Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM): (1) Adapting the softmax layer in the NN; (2)
Adding a non-linear adaptation layer before the softmax layer
that is trained only in the adaptation phase; (3) Training the
extra non-linear adaptation layer in pre-training and adaptation
phases. Aiming to improve upon a hierarchical Maximum Entropy
(MaxEnt) second-pass LM baseline, which factors the
model into word-cluster and word models, we build an NN
LM that predicts only word clusters. Adapting the LSTM LM
by training the adaptation layer in both training and adaptation
phases (Approach 3), we reduce the cluster perplexity by
30% compared to an unadapted LSTM model. Initial experiments
using a state-of-the-art ASR system show a 2.3% relative
reduction in WER on top of an adapted MaxEnt LM.