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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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    Preview abstract Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, despite significant advances in recent years, still have much room for improvement particularly in the recognition of disordered speech. Even so, erroneous transcripts from ASR models can help people with disordered speech be better understood, especially if the transcription doesn’t significantly change the intended meaning. Evaluating the efficacy of ASR for this use case requires a methodology for measuring the impact of transcription errors on the intended meaning and comprehensibility. Human evaluation is the gold standard for this, but it can be laborious, slow, and expensive. In this work, we tune and evaluate large language models for this task and find them to be a much better proxy for human evaluators than other metrics commonly used. We further present a case-study using the presented approach to assess the quality of personalized ASR models to make model deployment decisions and correctly set user expectations for model quality as part of our trusted tester program. View details
    PikeLPN: Mitigating Overlooked Inefficiencies of Low-Precision Neural Networks
    Marina Neseem
    Conor McCullough
    Randy Hsin
    Chas Leichner
    Shan Li
    In Suk Chong
    Andrew Howard
    Lukasz Lew
    Sherief Reda
    Ville-Mikko Rautio
    Daniele Moro
    Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Low-precision quantization is recognized for its efficacy in neural network optimization. Our analysis reveals that non-quantized elementwise operations which are prevalent in layers such as parameterized activation functions, batch normalization, and quantization scaling dominate the inference cost of low-precision models. These non-quantized elementwise operations are commonly overlooked in SOTA efficiency metrics such as Arithmetic Computation Effort (ACE). In this paper, we propose ACEv2 - an extended version of ACE which offers a better alignment with the inference cost of quantized models and their energy consumption on ML hardware. Moreover, we introduce PikeLPN, a model that addresses these efficiency issues by applying quantization to both elementwise operations and multiply-accumulate operations. In particular, we present a novel quantization technique for batch normalization layers named QuantNorm which allows for quantizing the batch normalization parameters without compromising the model performance. Additionally, we propose applying Double Quantization where the quantization scaling parameters are quantized. Furthermore, we recognize and resolve the issue of distribution mismatch in Separable Convolution layers by introducing Distribution-Heterogeneous Quantization which enables quantizing them to low-precision. PikeLPN achieves Pareto-optimality in efficiency-accuracy trade-off with up to 3X efficiency improvement compared to SOTA low-precision models. View details
    Preview abstract We propose Hierarchical Text Spotter (HTS), the first method for the joint task of word-level text spotting and geometric layout analysis. HTS can annotate text in images with a hierarchical representation of 4 levels: character, word, line, and paragraph. The proposed HTS is characterized by two novel components: (1) a Unified-Detector-Polygon (UDP) that produces Bezier Curve polygons of text lines and an affinity matrix for paragraph grouping between detected lines; (2) a Line-to-Character-to-Word (L2C2W) recognizer that splits lines into characters and further merges them back into words. HTS achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple word-level text spotting benchmark datasets as well as geometric layout analysis tasks. Code will be released upon acceptance. View details
    Solidarity not Charity! Empowering Local Communities for Disaster Relief during COVID-19 through Grassroots Support
    Jeongwon Jo
    Oluwafunke Alliyu
    John M. Carroll
    Computer Supported Cooperative Work (2024) (2024)
    Preview abstract The COVID-19 pandemic brought wide-ranging, unanticipated societal changes as communities rushed to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. In response, mutual aid groups bloomed online across the United States to fill in the gaps in social services and help local communities cope with infrastructural breakdowns. Unlike many previous disasters, the long-haul nature of COVID-19 necessitates sustained disaster relief efforts. In this paper, we conducted an interview study with online mutual aid group administrators to understand how groups facilitated disaster relief, and how disaster relief initiatives developed and maintained over the course of the first year of COVID-19. Our findings suggest that the groups were crucial sources of community-based support for immediate needs, innovated long-term solutions for chronic community issues and grew into a vehicle for justice-centered work. Our insights shed light on the strength of mutual aid as a community capacity that can support communities to collectively be more prepared for future long-haul disasters than they were with COVID-19. View details
    Found in the middle: Calibrating Positional Attention Bias Improves Long Context Utilization
    Cheng-Yu Hsieh
    Yung-Sung Chuang
    Chun-Liang Li
    Abhishek Kumar
    James Glass
    Alexander Ratner
    Ranjay Krishna
    Preview abstract Large language models (LLMs), even when specifically trained to process long input contexts, struggle to capture relevant information located in the middle of their input. This phenomenon has been known as the lost-in-the-middle problem. In this work, we make three contributions. First, we set out to understand the factors that cause this phenomenon. In doing so, we establish a connection between lost-in-the-middle to LLMs' intrinsic attention bias: LLMs exhibit a U-shaped attention bias where the tokens at the beginning and at the end of its input receive higher attention, regardless of their relevance. Second, we mitigate this positional bias through a calibration mechanism, found-in-the-middle, that allows the model to attend to contexts faithfully according to their relevance, even though when they are in the middle. Third, we show found-in-the-middle not only achieves better performance in locating relevant information within a long context, but also eventually leads to improved retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) performance across various tasks, outperforming existing methods by up to 15 percentage points. These findings open up future directions in understanding LLM attention bias and its potential consequences. View details
    CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation
    Yaoyiran Li
    Keyi Yu
    18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024) (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Personalized recommendation requires understanding both the candidate items and user preferences. Traditional collaborative filtering approaches rely on embedding users and items in the same representation space while recent efforts formulate the problem into sequential user activity modeling and future activity prediction tasks. Some of the most recent efforts leverage autoregressive large language models to directly generate the recommendation. This work proposes CALRec, a sequential recommendation framework aligning the generative task based on PaLM-2 LLM with contrastive learning tasks for user/item understanding. To leverage the strong generalization capabilities of the state-of-the-art pretrained LLMs, our input consists of pure texts following differentiable text templates for user inputs and item inputs. We propose novel ways of combining generative loss and contrastive losses in multi-category joint continuous pretraining, followed by domain-specific finetuning. During training, the LLM backbone trains in a two-tower fashion to comprehend users’ consecutive behaviors and descriptions of individual items. Our model outperforms many state-of-the-art baselines significantly especially in ranking tasks. Our systematic ablation study reveals that (i) multi-category pretraining and domain-adaptation finetuning are both important and deliver better performance when combined, and (ii) contrastive alignment further improves the quality among many categories of the Amazon review dataset. View details
    Preview abstract We present SPHEAR, an accurate, differentiable parametric statistical 3D human head model, enabled by a novel 3D registration method based on spherical embeddings. We shift the paradigm away from the classical Non-Rigid Registration methods, which operate under various surface priors, increasing reconstruction fidelity and minimizing required human intervention. Additionally, SPHEAR is a complete model that allows not only to sample diverse synthetic head shapes and facial expressions, but also gaze directions, high-resolution color textures, surface normal maps, and hair cuts represented in detail, as strands. SPHEAR can be used for automatic realistic visual data generation, semantic annotation, and general reconstruction tasks. Compared to state-of-the-art approaches, our components are fast and memory efficient, and experiments support the validity of our design choices and the accuracy of registration, reconstruction and generation techniques. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper we study users' opinions about the privacy of their mobile health apps. We look at what they write in app reviews in the 'Health & Fitness' category on the Google Play store. We identified 2832 apps in this category (based on 1K minimum installs). Using NLP/LLM analyses, we find that 76% of these apps have at least some privacy reviews. In total this yields over 164,000 reviews about privacy, from over 150 countries and in 25 languages. Our analyses identifies top themes and offers an approximation of how widespread these issues are around the world. We show that the top 4 themes - Data Sharing and Exposure, Permission Requests, Location Tracking and Data Collection - are issues of concern in over 70 countries. Our automatically generated thematic summaries reveal interesting aspects that deserve further research around user suspicions (unneeded data collection), user requests (more fine-grained control over data collection and data access), as well as user behavior (uninstalling apps). View details
    Preview abstract While most transliteration research is focused on single tokens such as named entities -- e.g., transliteration of "અમદાવાદ" from the Gujarati script to the Latin script "Ahmedabad" -- the informal romanization prevalent in South Asia and elsewhere often requires transliteration of full sentences. The lack of large parallel text collections of full sentence (as opposed to single word) transliterations necessitates incorporation of contextual information into transliteration via non-parallel resources, such as via mono-script text collections. In this paper, we present a number of methods for improving transliteration in context for such a use scenario. Some of these methods in fact improve performance without making use of sentential context, allowing for better quantification of the degree to which contextual information in particular is responsible for system improvements. Our final systems, which ultimately rely upon ensembles including large pretrained language models finetuned on simulated parallel data, yield substantial improvements over the best previously reported results for full sentence transliteration from Latin to native script on all 12 languages in the Dakshina dataset (Roark et al. 2020), with an overall 4.8% absolute (27.1% relative) mean word-error rate reduction. View details
    PROMPT: A Fast and Extensible Memory Profiling Framework
    Ziyang Xu
    Yebin Chon
    Yian Su
    Zujun Tan
    Simone Campanoni
    David I. August
    Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 8, Issue OOPSLA (2024)
    Preview abstract Memory profiling captures programs' dynamic memory behavior, assisting programmers in debugging, tuning, and enabling advanced compiler optimizations like speculation-based automatic parallelization. As each use case demands its unique program trace summary, various memory profiler types have been developed. Yet, designing practical memory profilers often requires extensive compiler expertise, adeptness in program optimization, and significant implementation effort. This often results in a void where aspirations for fast and robust profilers remain unfulfilled. To bridge this gap, this paper presents PROMPT, a framework for streamlined development of fast memory profilers. With PROMPT, developers need only specify profiling events and define the core profiling logic, bypassing the complexities of custom instrumentation and intricate memory profiling components and optimizations. Two state-of-the-art memory profilers were ported with PROMPT where all features preserved. By focusing on the core profiling logic, the code was reduced by more than 65% and the profiling overhead was improved by 5.3× and 7.1× respectively. To further underscore PROMPT's impact, a tailored memory profiling workflow was constructed for a sophisticated compiler optimization client. In 570 lines of code, this redesigned workflow satisfies the client’s memory profiling needs while achieving more than 90% reduction in profiling overhead and improved robustness compared to the original profilers. View details
    Quantifying urban park use in the USA at scale: empirical estimates of realised park usage using smartphone location data
    Michael T Young
    Swapnil Vispute
    Stylianos Serghiou
    Akim Kumok
    Yash Shah
    Kevin J. Lane
    Flannery Black-Ingersoll
    Paige Brochu
    Monica Bharel
    Sarah Skenazy
    Shailesh Bavadekar
    Mansi Kansal
    Evgeniy Gabrilovich
    Gregory A. Wellenius
    Lancet Planetary Health (2024)
    Preview abstract Summary Background A large body of evidence connects access to greenspace with substantial benefits to physical and mental health. In urban settings where access to greenspace can be limited, park access and use have been associated with higher levels of physical activity, improved physical health, and lower levels of markers of mental distress. Despite the potential health benefits of urban parks, little is known about how park usage varies across locations (between or within cities) or over time. Methods We estimated park usage among urban residents (identified as residents of urban census tracts) in 498 US cities from 2019 to 2021 from aggregated and anonymised opted-in smartphone location history data. We used descriptive statistics to quantify differences in park usage over time, between cities, and across census tracts within cities, and used generalised linear models to estimate the associations between park usage and census tract level descriptors. Findings In spring (March 1 to May 31) 2019, 18·9% of urban residents visited a park at least once per week, with average use higher in northwest and southwest USA, and lowest in the southeast. Park usage varied substantially both within and between cities; was unequally distributed across census tract-level markers of race, ethnicity, income, and social vulnerability; and was only moderately correlated with established markers of census tract greenspace. In spring 2019, a doubling of walking time to parks was associated with a 10·1% (95% CI 5·6–14·3) lower average weekly park usage, adjusting for city and social vulnerability index. The median decline in park usage from spring 2019 to spring 2020 was 38·0% (IQR 28·4–46·5), coincident with the onset of physical distancing policies across much of the country. We estimated that the COVID-19-related decline in park usage was more pronounced for those living further from a park and those living in areas of higher social vulnerability. Interpretation These estimates provide novel insights into the patterns and correlates of park use and could enable new studies of the health benefits of urban greenspace. In addition, the availability of an empirical park usage metric that varies over time could be a useful tool for assessing the effectiveness of policies intended to increase such activities. View details
    Preview abstract How well do existing federated learning algorithms learn from client devices that return model updates with a significant time delay? Is it even possible to learn effectively from clients that report back minutes, hours, or days after being scheduled? We answer these questions by developing Monte Carlo simulations of client latency that are guided by real-world applications. We compare well-known synchronous optimization algorithms like FedAvg and FedAdam with the state-of-the-art asynchronous FedBuff algorithm, and discover that these existing approaches often struggle to learn from severely delayed clients. To improve upon these, we experiment with modifications including distillation regularization and exponential moving averages of model weights. Finally, we invent two new algorithms, FARe-DUST and FeAST-on-MSG, based on distillation and averaging, respectively. Experiments with the EMNIST, CIFAR-100, and StackOverflow benchmark federated learning tasks demonstrate that our new algorithms outperform existing ones in terms of accuracy for straggler clients, while also providing better trade-offs between training time and total accuracy. View details
    Preview abstract Table-based reasoning with large language models (LLMs) is a promising direction to tackle many table understanding tasks, such as table-based question answering and fact verification. Compared with generic reasoning, table-based reasoning requires the extraction of underlying semantics from both free-form questions and semi-structured tabular data. Chain-of-Thought and its similar approaches incorporate the reasoning chain in the form of textual context, but it is still an open question how to effectively leverage tabular data in the reasoning chain. We propose the Chain-of-Table framework, where tabular data is explicitly used in the reasoning chain as a proxy for intermediate thoughts. Specifically, we guide LLMs using in-context learning to iteratively generate operations and update the table to represent a tabular reasoning chain. LLMs can therefore dynamically plan the next operation based on the results of the previous ones. This continuous evolution of the table forms a chain, showing the reasoning process for a given tabular problem. The chain carries structured information of the intermediate results, enabling more accurate and reliable predictions. Chain-of-Table achieves new state-of-the-art performance on WikiTQ, FeTaQA, and TabFact benchmarks across multiple LLM choices. View details
    AI-Enhanced API Design: A New Paradigm in Usability and Efficiency
    Mak Ahmad
    David R Karger
    Kwan-Liu Ma
    CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2024)
    Preview abstract This study uses mixed methods to evaluate API design methods, focusing on design and consumption phases. Our goal was to understand the impact of API governance approaches on productivity and usability. A controlled developer experiment (n=34) demonstrated a 10% increased requirement fulfillment using API Improvement Proposals (AIPs) and linter versus no protocols. Meanwhile, 73% of 33 surveyed API consumers preferred AIP-aligned designs for enhanced usability and comprehensibility. Complementing this, a custom large language model called the API Architect received average expert ratings of just 5/10 for specification quality, revealing gaps versus manual design. The quantitative performance metrics combined with qualitative user feedback provide evidence from multiple angles that strategically integrating industry best practices with maturing AI capabilities can meaningfully improve API design outcomes. This research offers empirical insights from developer and consumer perspectives to advance scholarly discourse and industry practice regarding optimal API design workflows. View details
    Preview abstract Large language models (LLMs) hold immense promise to serve complex health information needs but also have the potential to introduce harm and exacerbate health disparities. Reliably evaluating equity-related model failures is a critical step toward developing systems that promote health equity. In this work, we present resources and methodologies for surfacing biases with potential to precipitate equity-related harms in long-form, LLM-generated answers to medical questions and then conduct an empirical case study with Med-PaLM 2, resulting in the largest human evaluation study in this area to date. Our contributions include a multifactorial framework for human assessment of LLM-generated answers for biases, and EquityMedQA, a collection of seven newly-released datasets comprising both manually-curated and LLM-generated questions enriched for adversarial queries. Both our human assessment framework and dataset design process are grounded in an iterative participatory approach and review of possible biases in Med-PaLM 2 answers to adversarial queries. Through our empirical study, we find that the use of a collection of datasets curated through a variety of methodologies, coupled with a thorough evaluation protocol that leverages multiple assessment rubric designs and diverse rater groups, surfaces biases that may be missed via narrower evaluation approaches. Our experience underscores the importance of using diverse assessment methodologies and involving raters of varying backgrounds and expertise. We emphasize that while our framework can identify specific forms of bias, it is not sufficient to holistically assess whether the deployment of an AI system promotes equitable health outcomes. We hope the broader community leverages and builds on these tools and methods towards realizing a shared goal of LLMs that promote accessible and equitable healthcare for all. View details