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RSSAC028 - Technical Analysis of the Naming Scheme Used For Individual Root Servers

Joe Abley
John Bond
Brian Dickson
Paul Hoffman
Suresh Krishnaswamy
Matt Larson
Declan Ma
Bill Manning
Jim Martin
Robert Martin-Legene
Daniel Migault
Shinta Sato
Arturo Servin
Davey Song
William Sotomayor
Paul Vixie
Wesley Wang
Suzanne Woolf
ICANN Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) Reports and Advisories (2017)


The Domain Name System (DNS) is supported by root servers that serve the root zone. Individual root servers were named under the “root-servers.net” domain in 1995. The root-servers.net zone is delegated to the root servers. This naming scheme has worked well for root servers and the Internet community at large for over two decades. However, given today’s Internet environment, the RSSAC has studied the naming scheme used for individual root servers and considered the consequences of making changes. The study documents a risk analysis of different alternative naming schemes. This analysis includes: Where the names reside in the DNS hierarchy Who administers the zone in which the names reside How different naming schemes affect DNSSEC validation of priming responses The size of priming responses From the risk analysis, the document aims at providing: Recommendation to root server operators, root zone management partners, and ICANN on whether changes should be made, and what those changes should be Recommendations on signing the addresses associated with the root servers Recommendation on the naming scheme for the root servers