Johannes Ballé
I'm a Research Scientist at Google. My current work focuses on lossy image compression, rate–distortion optimization and models of visual perception. I defended my master's and doctoral theses on signal processing and image compression at RWTH Aachen University in 2007 and 2012, respectively, working with Jens-Rainer Ohm. This was followed by a brief collaboration with Javier Portilla at CSIC in Madrid, Spain, and a postdoctoral fellowship at New York University’s Center for Neural Science with Eero P. Simoncelli. There, I studied the relationship between perception and image statistics, and pioneered the use of variational Bayesian models and deep learning for end-to-end optimized image compression. I joined Google in early 2017 to continue working in this line of research. I've served as a reviewer for top-tier publications in both machine learning and image processing, such as NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, Picture Coding Symposium and several IEEE Transactions. I've been a co-organizer of the annual Workshop and Challenge on Learned Image Compression (CLIC) since 2018. A full list of my publications is available on Google Scholar.
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Compressing model updates is critical for reducing communication costs in federated learning. We examine the problem using rate--distortion theory to present a compression method that is near-optimal in many use cases. We empirically show that common transforms applied to model updates in standard compression algorithms, normalization in QSGD and random rotation in DRIVE, yield sub-optimal compressed representations in practice.
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Neural Video Compression using GANs for Detail Synthesis and Propagation
European Conference on Computer Vision (2022)
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We present the first neural video compression method based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Our approach significantly outperforms previous neural and non-neural video compression methods in a user study, setting a new state-of-the-art in visual quality for neural methods. We show that the GAN loss is crucial to obtain this high visual quality. Two components make the GAN loss effective: we i) synthesize detail by conditioning the generator on a latent extracted from the warped previous reconstruction to then ii) propagate this detail with high-quality flow. We find that user studies are required to compare methods, i.e., none of our quantitative metrics were able to predict all studies. We present the network design choices in detail, and ablate them with user studies.
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Nonlinear Transform Coding
Philip A. Chou
Sung Jin Hwang
IEEE Trans. on Special Topics in Signal Processing, 15 (2021) (to appear)
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We review a class of methods that can be collected under the name nonlinear transform coding (NTC), which over the past few years have become competitive with the best linear transform codecs for images, and have superseded them in terms of rate–distortion performance under established perceptual quality metrics such as MS-SSIM. We assess the empirical rate–distortion performance of NTC with the help of simple example sources, for which the optimal performance of a vector quantizer is easier to estimate than with natural data sources. To this end, we introduce a novel variant of entropy-constrained vector quantization. We provide an analysis of various forms of stochastic optimization techniques for NTC models; review architectures of transforms based on artificial neural networks, as well as learned entropy models; and provide a direct comparison of a number of methods to parameterize the rate–distortion trade-off of nonlinear transforms, introducing a simplified one.
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Neural-network-based compressors have proven to be remarkably effective
at compressing those sources, such as images, that are nominally
high-dimensional but presumed to be concentrated on a low-dimensional
manifold. We consider a continuous-time random process
that models an extreme version of such a source,
wherein the realizations fall along a one-dimensional "curve"
in function space that has infinite-dimensional linear span. We
precisely characterize the optimal entropy-distortion tradeoff
for this source and show numerically that it achieved by
neural-network-based compressors trained with stochastic gradient
descent. In contrast, we show both analytically and experimentally
that classical compressors based on the Karhunen-Loève transform
are highly suboptimal at high rates.
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Denoising-based Image Compression for Connectomics
Alex Shapson-Coe
Richard L. Schalek
Jeff W. Lichtman
bioRxiv (2021)
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Connectomic reconstruction of neural circuits relies on nanometer resolution microscopy which produces on the order of a petabyte of imagery for each cubic millimeter of brain tissue. The cost of storing such data is a significant barrier to broadening the use of connectomic approaches and scaling to even larger volumes. We present an image compression approach that uses machine learning-based denoising and standard image codecs to compress raw electron microscopy imagery of neuropil up to 17-fold with negligible loss of reconstruction accuracy.
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End-to-end Learning of Compressible Features
Abhinav Shrivastava
2020 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP)
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Pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are very powerful as an off the shelf feature generator and have been shown to perform very well on a variety of tasks. Unfortunately, the generated features are high dimensional and expensive to store: potentially hundreds of thousands of floats per example when processing videos. Traditional entropy based lossless compression methods are of little help as they do not yield desired level of compression while general purpose lossy alternatives (e.g. dimensionality reduction techniques) are sub-optimal as they end up losing important information. We propose a learned method that jointly optimizes for compressibility along with the original objective for learning the features. The plug-in nature of our method makes it straight-forward to integrate with any target objective and trade-off against compressibility. We present results on multiple benchmarks and demonstrate that features learned by our method maintain their informativeness while being order of magnitude more compressible.
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Scale-Space Flow for End-to-End Optimized Video Compression
Sung Jin Hwang
2020 IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
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Despite considerable progress on end-to-end optimized deep networks for image
compression, video coding remains a challenging task. Recently proposed
methods for learned video compression use optical flow and bilinear warping
for motion compensation and show competitive rate-distortion performance
relative to hand-engineered codecs like H.264 and HEVC. However, these
learning-based methods rely on complex architectures and training schemes
including the use of pre-trained optical flow networks, sequential training of
sub-networks, adaptive rate control, and buffering intermediate
reconstructions to disk during training. In this paper, we show that a
generalized warping operator that better handles common failure cases,
e.g. disocclusions and fast motion, can provide competitive compression
results with a greatly simplified model and training procedure. Specifically,
we propose scale-space flow, an intuitive generalization of optical
flow that adds a scale parameter to allow the network to better model
uncertainty. Our experiments show that a low-latency video compression model
(no B-frames) using scale-space flow for motion compensation can outperform
analogous state-of-the art learned video compression models while being
trained using a much simpler procedure and without any pre-trained optical
flow networks.
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An Unsupervised Information-Theoretic Perceptual Quality Metric
Sangnie Bhardwaj
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020)
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Tractable models of human perception have proved to be challenging to build. Hand-designed models such as MS-SSIM remain popular predictors of human image quality judgements due to their simplicity and speed. Recent modern deep learning approaches can perform better, but they rely on supervised data which can be costly to gather: large sets of class labels such as ImageNet, image quality ratings, or both. We combine recent advances in information-theoretic objective functions with a computational architecture informed by the physiology of the human visual system and unsupervised training on pairs of video frames, yielding our Perceptual Information Metric (PIM). We show that PIM is competitive with supervised metrics on the recent and challenging BAPPS image quality assessment dataset and outperforms them in predicting the ranking of image compression methods in CLIC 2020. We also perform qualitative experiments using the ImageNet-C dataset, and establish that PIM is robust with respect to architectural details.
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Scalable Model Compression by Entropy Penalized Reparameterization
Deniz Oktay
Abhinav Shrivastava
8th Int. Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2020)
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We describe a simple and general neural network weight compression approach, in which the network parameters (weights and biases) are represented in a “latent” space, amounting to a reparameterization. This space is equipped with a learned probability model, which is used to impose an entropy penalty on the parameter representation during training, and to compress the representation using a simple arithmetic coder after training. Classification accuracy and model compressibility is maximized jointly, with the bitrate–accuracy trade-off specified by a hyperparameter. We evaluate the method on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet classification benchmarks using six distinct model architectures. Our results show that state-of-the-art model compression can be achieved in a scalable and general way without requiring complex procedures such as multi-stage training.
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Image compression using neural networks have reached or exceeded non-neural methods (such as JPEG, WebP, BPG). While these networks are state of the art in rate-distortion performance, computational feasibility of these models remains a challenge. Our work provides three novel contributions. We propose a run-time improvement to the Generalized Divisive Normalization formulation, a regularization technique targeted to optimizing neural image decoders, and an analysis of
the trade offs in 207 architecture variations across multiple distortion loss functions to recommend an architecture that is twice as fast while maintaining state-of-the-art image compression performance.
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