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Oleksandr Zinenko

Oleksandr "Alex" Zinenko is a software engineer at Google Brain (Systems and Programming Research) in Paris. Before joining Google, he worked as a research engineer in Inria (French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics) and École Normale Supérieure and taught at the University Paris-Saclay. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University Paris-Saclay for the work on Interactive Program Restructuring to provide convenient, discoverable and intuitive way to manipulate imperative programs through interactive visualization; and his MS in Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" for his implementations of numerical algorithms for heterogeneous distributed systems.

Oleksandr's research interests span from compilation to high-performance systems and from interactive software visualization to machine learning under a common goal of making domain-specific software development easier and the software faster, with particular focus on machine learning software. His previous research has been mostly centered on polyhedral compilation, an approach that reformulates the search of optimizing transformations for certain practical classes of programs into mathematical optimization problems. Oleksandr proposed a series of explanatory and exploratory approaches to polyhedral compilation, making it better accessible to modern search and learning techniques. He currently focuses on application of compiler technology to machine learning infrastructure and, conversely, on improving compilation techniques, program efficiency and programming workflow using novel machine learning approaches.

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